In-service science teacher education

Phd Research

Guidelines for writing a dissertation abstract

Dear Reader! You are hereby invited to help us build up a bank of European science education abstracts of doctoral theses. You may submit an abstract of your own dissertation, or encourage your colleagues or students to do so. Our editorial policy on this web site is to publish science education dissertation abstracts from European universities. We also publish abstracts from non-European countries if a thesis has been supervised or written by an ESERA member.

Jennifer DeWitt

Supporting teachers on science-focused school trips: Towards an integrated framework of theory and practice King's College London, United Kingdom E-mail:

Murat Gökdere

A Study of Developing a Model for the Education of Science Teachers of Gifted Children Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Salih ÇEPNI E-mail:

Sevgi Aydin

Examination of Chemistry Teachers’ Topic-Specific Nature of Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Electrochemistry and Radioactivity Middle East Technical University, Turkey E-mail:, or: 

Ümran Betül Cebesoy

An Analysis of Science Teachers’ Genetics Literacy and Related Decision Making Process Usak University, Turkey E-mail:

Ann Zetterqvist

Competence in didactics of evolutionary biology. An interview study with science/biology teachers Göteborg University, Sweden E-mail:

Helena Sagar

Teacher change in relation to professional development in entrepreneurial learning Sweden E-mail: 

Ellen Rohaan

Testing Teacher Knowledge for Technology Teaching in Primary Schools Eindhoven University of Technology, The NetherlandsEmail:


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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