Inquiry in Science Education

Phd Research

Guidelines for writing a dissertation abstract

Dear Reader! You are hereby invited to help us build up a bank of European science education abstracts of doctoral theses. You may submit an abstract of your own dissertation, or encourage your colleagues or students to do so. Our editorial policy on this web site is to publish science education dissertation abstracts from European universities. We also publish abstracts from non-European countries if a thesis has been supervised or written by an ESERA member.

Laura Colucci-Gray

An Inquiry into role-play as a tool to deal with complex socio-environmental issues and conflict The Open University, United Kingdom Supervisor: Prof. Joan Solomon E-mail:

Lynda Dunlop

Engaging young people with science through Communities of Scientific Enquiry: a mixed methods evaluation University of Ulster, United Kingdom Supervisors: Professor Valerie McKelvey-Martin and Professor Linda Clarke E-mail.

María Martínez-Chico

Pre-service primary teacher training through inquiry-based science education.Design, implementation and evaluation of a training course University of Almeria, Spain E-mail:  

Irit Sadeh (Yaniv)

Development of basic and dynamic inquiry skills, and knowledge types, during open-inquiry learning in comparison to guided-inquiry learning Bar-Ilan University, Israel Supervisors: Dr. Michal Zion & Professor Shlomo Havlin E-mail:;

Lisette van Rens

Effective chemical education for “learning to inquire” in upper secondary school The Netherlands Supervisor: Prof. dr. Albert Pilot Email:

Julia Arnold

The effectiveness of scaffolding to support inquiry learning: An intervention study for the promotion of scientific thinking skills in upper secondary level Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Germany E-mail:

Jenna Koenen

Development and Evaluation of Experiment-supported Worked-examples to Foster Scientific Inquiry Universitat of Duisburg-Essen, Germany  Supervisor: Elke Sumfleth, Markus Emden Email: Jenna.koenen AT


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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