Nature of science

Phd Research

Guidelines for writing a dissertation abstract

Dear Reader! You are hereby invited to help us build up a bank of European science education abstracts of doctoral theses. You may submit an abstract of your own dissertation, or encourage your colleagues or students to do so. Our editorial policy on this web site is to publish science education dissertation abstracts from European universities. We also publish abstracts from non-European countries if a thesis has been supervised or written by an ESERA member.

Ferah ÖZER

The Investigation of The Impact of The Science Learning Environments Promoting 21st Century Skills’ Development on Middle School Students’ Problem-Solving Skills, Creative Thinking Abilities, and Conceptual Learning Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Nihal DOĞAN Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey E-mail:

Maria Charalambous

Investigation of Connections between Understanding Science Concepts and appreciation of the Nature of Science University of Cyprus, Cyprus E-mail:

Lotta Leden

Black & white or shades of grey: teachers’ perspectives on the role of nature of science in compulsory school science teaching

Cécile de Hosson

A contribution to the analysis of the interactions between the history of science and science education. An elaboration of an educational tool of the optical mechanism of vision for primary and secondary school. Université Paris, France Supervisors : Wanda Kaminski, Jean Gayon E-mail:

Mustafa Serdar Köksal

The effect of explicit embedded reflective instruction on nature of science understandings, scientific literacy levels and achievement on cell unit Middle East Teachnical University, Turkey E-mail:

Asghar Soltani

Explanation of Science Education Curriculum Characteristics Based on the Nature of Science Components University of Isfahan, Iran E-mail:

Agustín Adúriz-Bravo

Integration of the philosophy of science in science teacher education Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mercè Izquierdo-Aymerich E-mail: 

Constantina Stefanidou

The Role of History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences in Natural Science’s Teaching: Teaching and Learning about the Nature of Science – Laws, Models, Theories – through the History of Electricity National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Supervisor: Skordoulis, K. E-mail:


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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