Science Teaching Processes

Phd Research

Guidelines for writing a dissertation abstract

Dear Reader! You are hereby invited to help us build up a bank of European science education abstracts of doctoral theses. You may submit an abstract of your own dissertation, or encourage your colleagues or students to do so. Our editorial policy on this web site is to publish science education dissertation abstracts from European universities. We also publish abstracts from non-European countries if a thesis has been supervised or written by an ESERA member.

Süleyman Yaman

Effectiveness on Learning Outcomes of Problem Based Learning in Science Education Ondokuz Mayis University, Turkey E-mail:

Andrée Dumas Carré

Problem solving in physics in small groups. Contributions and difficulties : A thesis by Leonidas Gomatos E-mail:

Sylvie Rainson

Superposition of electric fields and causality: a thesis by Sylvie Rainson Universite Paris 7, France E-mail:

Roja Bagheri-Crosson

Mobilization of the magnetic field concept by students from DEUG "Sciences de la Matière": didactic analyze using the conceptual fields theory. Université Paul Sabatier, France E -mail:

Ivan Feller

SCHOOL USE OF DOCUMENTS Of NONSCHOOL ORIGIN IN PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Elements for an inventory of fixtures and impact study of a targeted accompaniment in French class of second (grade 10) Université Paris, France Supervisors: Laurence Viennot & Philippe Colin E-mail:

Shagufta Shafqat Chandi

Systems Thinking as a Teaching and Learning Tool for Biology Education University of Strathclyde and the University of Glasgow, United Kingdom Supervisors: Professor Dr Norman Reid, Dr Donald Gray & Dr Angus McWilliam E-mail:  or

Ronald Mazorodze

The impact on students’ self-efficacy and attainment of the explicit teaching of cognitive and metacognitive problem solving strategies in post -16 physics. The case for a GCE A-level physics course in an inner London Academy UCL Institute of Education, University College London, United Kingdom Supervisor: Professor Michael Reiss E-mail:

Mustafa Yesilyurt

A Constructivist Approach to Basic Physics Laboratory Applications Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey E-mail:

Hunkar Korkmaz

The Effects Of Project Based Learning on Creative Thinking Ability, Problem Solving Ability and Level of Academic Risk Taking in Science Education Hacettepe University, Turkey Supervisor: Asc. Prof. Dr. Fitnat Kaptan E-mail: ;

Claudia Beatriz Falicoff

Development of scientific competencies in Biochemistry and Biotechnology courses at Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina. A longitudinal study. University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Supervisors: Dr. José Manuel Domínguez Castiñeiras & Dr. Héctor Santiago Odetti E-mail:

Sílvia Ferreira

Practical work in high school Biology and Geology: Study of official documents and of their recontextualization in teachers’ practices University of Lisbon, Portugal Supervisor: Professor Ana M. Morais Email:

Agneta Boström

Chemistry students' narratives. The nuclear submarine that went down, the road of the chocolate bar towards the garbage station and the boiler deposits that looked like a sandwich.  E-mail:


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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