How various nets play a role in our learning & creativity?
How does the interface of nets influence our lives?
Nets of ideas
Nets of subjects
Nets of numbers
Nets of communication
Nets of social frames
Nets of inventions
The world of nets – inside our brain and in the outer world
Neuro-links, social-links {reaching the new galaxies in the expanding universe of ideas}
[An important paradigm to research- expanding insights and connections to our theory & practice in education/ related fields of study]
Many groundbreaking discoveries and inventions were based on making some form of links & connections between the ideas and the objects.
Inspiring, tracking, mapping our ways of making links between various ideas, certain objects & studying neurological links of inside and outside world can be of help in applying research and teaching models.
“Kids need to learn how to leap across disciplines because that is how breakthroughs now come about. It’s interdisciplinary combinations- design and technology, mathematics and art—that produce youtube and myspace.” (TIME, December 18, 2006, page 34)
Cognitive-net and grid patterns inside and outside worlds
[Finding grid like diagrams of brain & making grids (or links) of ideas and linking theory, research & practice]
The neuroscience research about the analysis of brain is also bringing new tools to enrich the psychological and educational pathways in this field (such as The Brain Targeted Teaching Model by: Mariale Hardiman; Mind, Brain & Education by: David A Sousa et al. 2010). The importance of making neurological connections to enrich the functions of brain is explained by many studies.
On the other hand the intriguing ways of making connections of ideas, connecting experimental indicators, connecting subjects and connecting the fields is also leading to the revolutionary ways of new era in science, math, technology, art (and more subjects). In the outer world the making of connections is mostly observable in the forms of connecting a number of ideas.
Just a few examples include:
– Connecting the idea of space and time (pioneering groundbreaking theories)
– Binary math and electronics to invent computer fields (connecting ideas)
– Art, science, math, electronics and internet leading to YouTube
– Subjects integrating to lead to new fields (cognitive science, quantum biology, computational linguistics, computational neuroscience)
– Inventions by combining certain systems: connecting the idea of car and bike, and inventing Car-Bike, Wheelchair car, cardboard bicycle (the list is long)
– Also noticed that students feel inspired to make their own inventions when provided opportunities to make connections and by showing them the examples of others to make inventions by making connections (cognitive-net and social-net)
– Almost all forms of learning & innovation has some form of making connections, nets and links
The idea of making connections in the inner functions of brain and the outer world elements is leading to think of cognitive-net, social-net {nowadays also Internet}
This research has interdisciplinary scope, neuroscientists, educators, cognitive scientists, psychologists, linguists etc.
In the year 2014- A Nobel Prize (for Medicine) was given for the “discoveries of cells that constitute a positioning system in the brain”. {Like an inner GPS in the brain} https://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2014/press.html
– A possible hypothesis to explore further:
Making nets of ideas and the nets of subjects in our learning environment can also inspire unique and faster neural connections to facilitate our learning, innovation and understanding
“highly regular grid like structures in the brain”,
A National Institute of Health study.
Book “How to create a mind” by Ray Kurzweil Page 84
“The construction of stronger, more efficient networks (faster retrievals, greater transfer) in long-term memory is stimulated by repeated activation of the circuit, such that practice makes permanent.”
Mind, Brain & Education. David Sousa [et al.] 2010. Page 58. ………………………………..
If an interdisciplinary research is conducted to highlight the intriguing factors of the outer world links and the inner world of neuroscience (understanding the process of making connections in the inside and outside worlds & inspire pathways for creativity), probably this idea (cognitive-net!) will have some enriched data to apply it in a number of ways. Some implications for psychology, education and other related fields with a vision to develop new fields of study are possible (cognitive-net & beyond). Perhaps it may enrich the way we work in various fields!
Please check the link:
Cognitive Journey
Cognitive Diversity
Intriguing ways to expand our mind range
Some of these ideas were also presented in the STEM conference in Finland, June 7, 2016 (session 6):
Forming Cognitive-nets & Social-nets can inspire creativity with the power of Cognitive Diversity…………………………………………………………………
STEM = Science, Technology, Engineering, Math
MBE = Mind, Brain & Education
Brain research education for all:
The research in neuroscience and education can be shared with all countries using local languages to enrich our education / research / theory.
MBE = Mind, Brain & Education [at Harvard University]:
Why we need to introduce research journals for children, introducing a simplified form of higher level research journals, (as we have children version of higher level encyclopaedias and dictionaries)
Please click to find some innovative details:
(George Eckert Institute is well-known for textbook research)
Altaf Qadeer Ph.D.