Dear Colleagues,
On behalf of the Organizers of the 4th World Conference on Physics Education and the Local Organizing Committee, we would like to announce that abstract submission and registration for the conference have been opened.
The 4th WCPE is organized from 26-30 August 2024, jointly by the International Research Group on Physics Teaching (GIREP), The International Conference on Physics Education (ICPE), and the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Kraków, Poland.
The conference theme, Embracing changes together, reflects the rapid changes and new challenges occurring nowadays in many areas of our lives, influencing, among others, physics education. The idea of the conference is to gather participants involved in physics education from different perspectives and at different levels and to combine them in a general discussion on various aspects of physics education – for better mutual understanding and revival of learning of the young generation and the society as whole. We strongly support and encourage physics teachers worldwide to come to the 4th WCPE to share their experiences and discuss the current problems of physics education with their teacher colleagues from other countries and researchers from all around the world.
We invite you to propose abstracts for symposia, oral presentations, posters, and workshops. All the information about the conference, abstract submission, and registration procedure is available on the conference website:
The 4th WCPE offers on-site presentations of the abovementioned types and the possibility of hybrid contributions in two time zones, meant solely for oral contributions. The abstracts for hybrid contributions should follow the same template as abstracts for live sessions.
Important dates:
- Abstract submission: 29 February 2024
- Notification of acceptance: 15 April 2024
- Early bird registration: 15 May 2024
- Regular registration: 15 June 2024
- Late registration: 10 July 2024
We are looking forward to seeing you (live or virtually) in Krakow, the former royal city of Poland, full of surprises and places to visit!
Dagmara Sokolowska
On behalf of the 4th WCPE LOC
Best wishes
Dr Eilish McLoughlin