The present research on science education belongs to the general problematic that considers the concepts of the range of models -atom; molecule; ion; covalent, ionic, inter and intramolecular bonds- in the interpretation of matter transformations.
Its general aim is to underline the knowledge that students acquire both collectively and individually: which models do they favour? What evolution does this modelling undergo from the beginning to the end of Upper Secondary School level (grades 10-12)? What difficulties do the students encounter in the appropriation of the models?
The initial hypothesis of the research regards the origins of the students’ difficulties in grasping the matter transformations, the origins of which lie in the poor mastering of the range of models.
In the first chapter, we will develop the hypotheses and questions of the research, with a reference to previous works on the subject and to the analysis of documents related to the concepts of “model” and “conception”.
The second chapter regards a historical introduction to the construction of the concept of chemical bond.
The study of the knowledge to be taught and its relationships with the reference knowledge will be carried out in chapter 3. It rest on the analysis of official instructions and varied textbooks in use.
Chapter 4 concerns itself to the cross study of acquired knowledge in the range of models by Upper Secondary School students in each level. We will also devote the chapter to the analysis of data derived from a paper-pencil questionnaire.
As a conclusion, the main results of this work will be presented and some suggestions on the consequences for teaching will be offered.
Key-words: Didactic, atom, molecule, chemical bond, matter transformation, misconception, conceptual change, obstacle, model, modelling, didactical transposition.
Full reference for the thesis itself
Cokelez, A. (2005). The register of models – atom; molecule; ion; chemical bond – in the teaching of the matter and its transformations at Upper Secondary School level (grades 10-12): from reference knowledge to acquired knowledge, Dissertation Thesis, University Victor Segalen (Bordeaux II), France.
Aytekin COKELEZ, PhD.
Assistant Professor
Ondokuz Mayis University
Faculty of Education
Science Education Program
55200 Atakum Samsun/TURKEY
Office : A251
Phone Number : + 90 362 445 01 18 Ext. 7287
Fax Number : + 90 362 445 03 00
E-mail address : acokelez@omu.edu.tr
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