School achievements are measured with various tools. With development of computer technology and computer networks new options enable users to use different web tools. Therefore teachers use them more and more frequently as they simplify the students’ evaluation process with new tools. The transfer process from paper-and-pencil assessment to electronic assessment is gradual and dependent on individual user, unique team of teachers from every school, and limited with the availability of on-line resources.
This Ph.D. thesis presents research that measured the influence of using the on line system for knowledge assessment on student actual knowledge. Literature review offered us an insight into information about how to develop such system. System efficiency was measured using two cohorts of students (N = 686) from The Republic of Slovenia: experimental group and control group. Groups were formed after students had solved the pre-test and results were used to form two groups of students with the same level of knowledge. Only students in experimental group were allowed to access the on-line system for knowledge assessment and solve task, as students in control group did not. The online system enabled students to solve online tasks and compare their results. During the research students and their teachers had ten school hours to learn about the selected topic of Oxygen Organic Compounds. After the 10 hours the test followed. One month after the test the post-test was administered. Comparing students’ results in test and post-test showed that experimental group students achieved better results than control group students.
A questionnaire was administered to students learn about learning habits and their opinion about the use of the system. To gather more insight into school practice several teachers also participated in semi-structured interviews. The results show that system is appropriately developed and it is possible to widen its further use.
The article that presented the study was published in 2013 in the journal Acta Chimica Slovenica.
Full text of the article is available on the journal’s web page: http://acta-arhiv.chem-soc.si/60/60-2-433.pdf
Kralj, Benjamin; Saša A. Glažar; (2013). Online System for Knowledge Assessment Enhances Students’ Results on School Knowledge Test, Acta Chimica Slovenica, 60 (2), 433-441
Dr. Benjamin Kralj
University of Ljubljana
phone: +1 336.790.8909
email: benjamin.kralj@fulbrightmail.org
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kraljb
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kraljb