Science & Education, which is owned and published by Springer, is theofficial journal of the International History, Philosophy and ScienceTeaching Group (IHPST). The journal publishes articles at the intersectionof the history, philosophy and sociology of science including the resultsof research, model curricula, teacher education, policy and relatedhistory and nature of science perspectives to improve teaching andlearning in science and mathematics. Science & Education is distinctlyinterdisciplinary, and aims to foster fruitful discourse among scientists,mathematicians, historians, philosophers, cognitive psychologists,sociologists, science and mathematics educators, and school and collegeteachers. The journal currently publishes 10 issues per year totalingapproximately 1350 pages, with an impact factor of .823 (2016).
IHPST is seeking an internationally respected scholar, with prioreditorial and/or managerial experience and some expertise in scienceeducation and history, philosophy, or sociology of science, communitiesthat the selected editor will bridge. The successful candidate will likelypropose a small team who, with his/her associates will serve a five yearinitial term as an employee of Springer with support and oversight fromthe IHPST Council and the Science & Education Advisory Board.
The position of Editor will begin a five-year term on January 1, 2020,preceded by one year of transition starting early January 2019. The selected editor will receive a contract with Springer that includes anannual editorial budget, and will negotiate the terms of this contractdirectly with the publisher.
The Editor will:
a. guide the overall strategic direction and impact of the journal, inconsultation with members of IHPST’s Science & Education Advisory Board,the IHPST Council, and staff at Springer,
b. lead efforts to solicit manuscript submissions and promotecontributions of scholarly quality,
c. solicit qualified professionals in science education and in history,philosophy, and sociology of science to review journal manuscripts,
d. manage the timely review of manuscripts and preparation of content forjournal publication, with support from an online submission system,
e. following the guidelines and operating procedure established by theIHPST Science & Education Advisory Board, select and assume responsibilityfor contributions accepted for publication,
f. assign articles to journal issues and develop and organize specialissues, highlighting relevant issues or themes for the IHPST Group,
g. solicit and select a team of respected scholars to act as Assistant orAssociate Editors, as needed, including Book Review Editor, and
h. work collaboratively with Springer staff in publication production.
QUALIFIED CANDIDATE REQUIREMENTS:The ideal candidate will document:
● internationally acknowledged scholarship in science education andhistory, philosophy or sociology of science,
● ability to work within and bridge the professional communities ofscience education and history, philosophy and sociology of science,
● ability to identify and secure qualified reviewers and prospectivecontributors,
● successful experience managing publications and the editorial processespreferably as an editorial board member, section head, associate or editorof an academic peer-reviewed journal and/or other relevant managerialexperience,
● skills to work effectively with colleagues and members of an editorialand/or advisory board.
➢ a vision statement for Science & Education, including motivations andaims for serving as Editor and a personal interpretation of the scholarlyissues to be addressed by the journal during the five-year term of service
➢ summary of primary qualifications
➢ a current curriculum vitae
➢ names and contact information of 3 references who can address thecandidate’s required qualifications as outlined above
The complete proposal for Science & Education Editor is due August 31,2018. The proposal should be submitted as a single Adobe document (PDF)file to It should be no more than 15 pages long(single spaced, 12 point font, and normal margins); appendices arepermitted. The Science & Education Advisory Board will review theapplications and make a recommendation to the IHPST Council. Finalistsmay be invited to interview with the Search Committee.
Interested persons/teams are encouraged to discuss the nature of thisposition informally with the current Editor Kostas Kampourakis( and/or Science & Education’s Advisory BoardChair, Zoubeida Dagher (