NARST members from our global community who are in good standing, and have published in a top-tier, refereed science education research journal, are eligible to apply for this scholarly service. The appointment is for a three-year term (2022-2025), contingent on performance. This year’s appointments begin in April 2022 and will end April 2025 (at the time of the NARST Annual Conference). Duties include providing timely, in-depth reviews of up to 10 manuscripts each year. NARST policy requires that Editorial Board members review each JRST manuscript assigned to them. All duties and communication are performed electronically using the ScholarOne Manuscripts™ system:
To apply, please upload a single electronic document (pdf format preferred) to the google form:
Your uploaded document should contain:
A one-page cover letter describing your research expertise. An abbreviated, 3-page vita that includes your current and past professional positions, institutional affiliation(s), contact information, publications in prominent refereed journals in science education, and prior editorial experiences.
The deadline for submitting applications is February 1, 2022 @ 5:00 PM your local time. If you have any questions, please email us at:
We look forward to receiving your application!
Troy Sadler & Felicia Moore Mensah, Co-Editors
Journal of Research in Science Teaching