ESERA 2025 Summer School

ESERA 2025 - Copenhagen

Children and Mother Nature: Storytelling for a Glocalized Environmental Pedagogy

 To be published by Sense Publishers 2018 Editor: Rouhollah Aghasaleh, PhD It is an old, yet relevant, argument that education needs to focus more on real-world issues in students’ lives and communities. Nevertheless, conventional school curricula in many countries create superficial boundaries to separate nature and social worlds. Connecting science and society provides opportunities for relevant, engaging, and authentic learning through personally meaningful, experiential, inquiry, and place-based practices which are fundamental to scientific and environmental literacy (Chinn, 2007). In other words, a science learning standpoint that acknowledges a societal standpoint accumulates that human activities are driving environmental and evolutionary change (Palumbi, 2001; Mapping Human Impacts on the Biosphere, 2001).

Knowing that human activities have impacted the nature and environmental change is influencing human life, some agencies have called for research on how different societies
respond to environmental change. This multilingual edited volume represents indigenous knowledges from various ethnic, linguistic, geographical, and national groups of educators and students through storytelling. Scholars, educators, and environment activists are invited to compose and submit a chapter through the following guideline:

1) Authors should select an indigenous story/ fable/ fairy tale/ folk tale with a theme of human-nature interaction and facilitate one (or more, if needed) storytelling session(s) with a group of students in K-8 grade (~5-14 years old).

2) Students will then discuss and rewrite/ retell the story collaboratively and illustrate their story (quality, size, and material specifications TBD).

3) Authors should submit the student-written story in original language, an English translation, and the illustration to the editor to be considered as a chapter. 

Note: Authors are encouraged to record students’ interactions according to their local legal and ethical codes.

Tentative Timeline
– Due date for chapter abstracts: November 30, 2017
– Sending chapter invitations: December 31, 2017
– Due date for complete manuscripts: May 31, 2018

Word Limits
– Abstract length: 500 words (including a plot summary and story origins, description of classroom setting, language)
– Chapter length: 2,000 words (including original language and English translation)
● Please, email abstracts to by November 30, 2017.
● Please, contact Dr. Rouhollah Aghasaleh at should you have any questions or concerns.

Works cited
Chinn, P. W.U. (2007), Decolonizing methodologies and indigenous knowledge: The role of culture, place and personal experience in professional development. Journal of Research   in Science Teaching, 44: 1247–1268. doi:10.1002/tea.20192
Mapping Human Impacts on the Biosphere. Retrieved September 10, 2017 from the United Nations Environment Programme Web site:
Palumbi, S. (2001). Humans as the world’s greatest evolutionary force. Science, 293, 1786–1790


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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