ESERA 2025 Summer School

ESERA 2025 - Copenhagen

College of Education: Bridges

The College of Education at Penn State is strengthening its commitment to the learning sciences and the study of learning. The College seeks to hire a cluster of at least four, tenure-line faculty during 2017-2018 to build upon its existing scholarly and programmatic strengths. (See Bridges publication below).

In particular, the College will hire new faculty to strengthen the study of learning and to build bridges among four existing areas of graduate education and faculty scholarship: educational psychology; learning, design, and technology; mathematics education; and science education. The long-range goal is to strengthen Penn State’s leadership in learning sciences research and development, enhancing existing foci: on learning in the disciplines (beginning with learning in areas of mathematics and science); on the design of learning environments; on design-based research, intervention research; and on other studies of learners and learning.

Here is the Link to Science Education on Job Website: 75239. The other searches appear on this same PSU Website. 


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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