Teoría, estructura y modelos atómicos en los libros de texto de química de educación secundaria. Análisis desde la sociología de la ciencia e implicaciones didácticas.  (Theory, structure and atomic models in high school chemistry textbooks. Analyzed through a perspective from sociology of science and didactic implications). Universidad de Barcelona, Spain E-mail: dmfariasc@unal.edu.co


This work analyzes from a sociological perspective how chemistry textbooks talks about scientific activity. We have developed and applied a new methodology based on Bruno Latour’s model of science circulation. We have analyzed a sample with 61 Spanish chemistry textbooks published from 1845-today, we have stressed in atomic model, atomic structure and atomic models chapters. HPS, NOS, sociology of science and textbooks as multifaceted actors make up the theoretical framework of this work. Our main aim is to demonstrate how sociology of science has been excluded from science education research despite of the fact that it could contribute to HPS-NOS to talk about a more realistic science (closer to scientists’ science) in classrooms and science textbooks. Results were organized around four points: how science circulates in science textbooks using networks to visualize it, the role of textbook author’s epistemological conceptions, the role of time to talk about science of past and to connect it with science in the present and how the images are used to emphasize an specific image of science.

Language: Spanish

Reference to full-thesis

Farías, D. M. (2012). Teoría, estructura y modelos atómicos en los libros de texto de química de educación secundaria. Análisis desde la sociología de la ciencia e implicaciones didácticas. Ph. D. Dissertation. Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona (Online)


Arroio, A. & Farías, D. (2011). Possible Contributions of Cinema in Natural Science Education to Understand How Scientists and Science Works. Problems of education in the 21st century, 37, 18-28.


Diana María Farías Camero

Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Departamento de Química

Ciudad Universitaria

Bogotá, Colombia

E-mail: dmfariasc@unal.edu.co 

Phone: +57 1 2854395