Utilize of educational possibilities by the formal education of the museum of Natural History, first generation. The impact of the educational activities that take place in the zoological museum of the University of Patras in the construction of the concept of classification of animals by preschoolers University of Patras, Greece Supervisor: Koliopoulos, D. E-mail: eirinigkouskou@gmail.com / gouskou@upatras.gr


This thesis presents the results of a research concerning the design, implementation and evaluation of a teaching intervention relevant to the classification of animals within the formal and non-formal education. This teaching intervention refers to preschoolers, is based on the principles of ‘constructive’ approach of teaching and learning of science and includes educational activities which take place both at school and at the zoological museum.

According to the findings of the research, there is indications accordance to which children after the end of the teaching intervention are able to construct the concept of classification of animals using morphological characteristics instead of function or anthropomorphic ones. More specifically, this thesis gives indications according to which children after the teaching intervention are able (a) to improve their knowledge on the recognition and denomination of specimens of animals belonging to the categories of ‘reptile’, ‘bird’, ‘fish’ and ‘mammal’ and (b) to recognize a category of animals by an animal sample based on the morphological characteristics. Finally, it is also noted that the visit to the zoological museum and the educational activities carried out in situ seems to make a significant contribution in the transformation and progress of cognitive representations of children for the concept of classifying animals.

Key words: formal & non-formal education, museum of Zoology, preschool education, cognitive precursor models, constructive teaching, classification of animals

Thesis full reference

Gkouskou, E., (2013). Utilize of educational possibilities by the formal education of the museum of Natural History, first generation. The impact of the educational activities that take place in the zoological museum of the University of Patras in the construction of the concept of classification of animals by preschoolers. Unpublished Ph.D thesis. Department of Educational Science & Early Childhood Education, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.


Eirini Gkouskou

Flat 13

Montgomery Bld

Farringdon Road


London, UK

e-mail: eirinigkouskou@gmail.com  / gouskou@upatras.gr