Proposals should contain the following:
• the names of the local organizing committee members
• the applicants’ names, institutions and a 2-page CV for each
• the proposed location of the conference (with a description of the venue)
• if the proposal includes help from a Profession Conference Organizer, details of that group’s role in the conference need to be included in the proposal
• details of previous involvement of the organizers in ESERA events and a rationale (500-1000 words) indicating why the proposal should be chosen
Things to know
• Plans for the conference must include three possible formats:
o full participant in-person attendance (traditional arrangements)
o full virtual participation
o a hybrid conference where there is a mixture of in-person and virtual attendees.
• Since a full virtual or hybrid conference will require extra planning beyond traditional arrangements, the organizing group needs to have the personnel resources and extra time as a part of their proposal. If the organizers plan on including a Professional Conference Organizing group in their plans, that group needs to be identified in the proposal and their experience and willingness to simultaneously plan for all three types of possible conference arrangements, up until the summer of 2023, needs to be assured.
• Countries where the conference has not previously been held are encouraged to apply.
• The board is interested in locations accessible (both geographically and financially) to a large number of European science educators. This includes sufficient economical accommodations in the community for non-institutionally funded attendees.
• A venue near or at the organizer’s university facilities can help with organization and planning.
• Facilities need to be able to accommodate approximately 1400 attendees with a plenary room for about 900, 25 parallel session meeting rooms and eating facilities. Digital facilities for a full virtual or hybrid conference need to be explained.
• WiFi needs to be widely available in all meeting rooms and gathering areas and be strong enough for simultaneous use by many participants.
• The conference is mainly self-funded with a small percentage provided by the ESERA Board.
• Two principal organizers are expected to attend the conference in Braga in 2021.
• A review of recent conferences can provide examples of fees and costs
The time line for selecting the ESERA 2023 conference organizers
• Announcement call October 2020
• Applications due January 31, 2021
• Decision made at ESERA Board meeting in March 2021
• Two organizers of 2023 attend the 2021 virtual conference in Braga (August 30 – September 3) and September 4, 2021 for a virtual Board meeting)