At the ESERA Conference 2023, the term of service of the following members of the ESERA Executive Board comes to an end:
- Sibel Erduran (President),
- Mariona Espinet (Board member; responsible conferences),
- Bob Evans (Board member; responsible summer schools),
- Lucy Avraamidou (Board member, travel scholarships),
- Gjalt Prins (Treasurer).
ESERA has called for nominations for new Executive Board members to serve in these roles. The elections are currently underway, and ESERA members will receive notification and information about the voting system.
The following nominations have been put forward for elections:
- Lucy Avraamidou (President)/ Statement
Gjalt Prins (Treasurer)/ Statement
Board Members:
1. Chris Siry/ Statement
2. Digna Couso/ Statement
3. Gultekin Cakmakci/ Statement
4. Henriette Holmegaard/Statement
5. Antti Laherto/Statement
6. Maria Evagorou/Statement
At the first meeting of the new Executive Board, which will be held immediately after the ESERA 2023 Conference, the newly elected Board members will participate fully in the active decision making of the Executive Board and will also decide on the distribution of the portfolios.