Applications should be submitted via the website:
There one can find the electronic application forms for students and staff + notes on applications. Students’ application form also includes an upload link for synopsis (max 5 pages).
Some notes:
- Please, keep in mind that applicants – both students and staff members – have to be members of ESERA when applying. Membership of ESERA is open to researchers in science education from anywhere in the world.
- Students who applied but were not able to attend the 2017 Summer School and who would still like to attend, are encouraged to apply.
- The staff members will act as coaches, plenary lecturers, or workshop leaders. There is no longer any requirement that coaches have a current PhD student attending the summer school.
- The academic programme of the ESERA Summer School 2018 will take place during June 26th to June 30th. Arrivals will be on Monday June 25th and departures on Sunday July 1st.
Important deadlines:
- Deadline for applications December 15th, 2017
- Confirmation of acceptance (both students and staff) March 20th, 2018
- Registration for the Summer School May 2nd, 2018
- Summer School June 25th – July 1st, 2018
We look forward to receiving your application!
Organizing team: Pasi Nieminen, Jouni Viiri, Kaisa Jokiranta, Anna-Leena Kähkönen, Antti Lehtinen and Joni Lämsä
Department of Teacher Education, University of Jyväskylä, Finland
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail toesera2018-info(at)
View of Jyväsjärvi in the university campus area. © Merja Huovelin, city of Jyväskylä