We are hoping that the Pandemic will abate by that time, however to assure a successful summer school regardless of any difficulties due to Covid-19, we have decided to prepare for it to be ‘hybrid’. This arrangement will allow participation either virtually or in person. With our experience both in regular summer schools as well as in last summer’s virtual ESERA summer school, we feel well prepared to use the best aspects of each type to create the 2021 ESERA Summer School.
The website for PhD student proposals to attend is now available at www.esera.home.amu.edu.pl All PhD students who are interested in the field of science education research are welcome to submit proposals to attend by the 31st of January 2021. Typically, 49 PhD students are selected based on their applications. Every accepted person’s individual decision of whether to attend in person or virtually will not be made until closer to the summer.
We would also like to invite ESERA faculty members who are willing to participate as mentors, plenary presenters or workshop leaders to submit a proposal at participate https://linkd.pl/eems also by January 31, 2021
Please address any questions you may have about the summer school to our committee at eserass2021@gmail.com
Wishing you all the best,
In the name of Local Organizing committee, Eliza Rybska, Chair