Turkey is quite late for studies about the gifted children (G/C)’s education. However, some kinds of insignificant studies have been made progress. For example, high-special level classrooms were opened in the 1960’s. Nevertheless, inequitable applications have been encountered in the G/C’s identification system and it had to be gotten rid of. In 1980’s, these kinds of attempts have been started again and some projects have been developed with the help of the past projects. However, the most important development about the G/Cs education is talent development centers which have been established under the name of “Science and Art Centers” (SACs) in five cities by the time 1993. Now, there are ten SACs which have function and accept G/C in Turkey under the control of the Ministry of National Education (MNE). There are also seven ones which do not accept children yet. However, most of these centers are either new or still in the establishment phase. Thus, it has been found out that there are many problems on children and/or teacher selection and in program implementation processes in these centers. Within those problems, it is believed that G/T selection method is the most important issue because teachers have essential roles in all parts of learning process and they are the most influential. Nevertheless, SACs have been newly opened and some of them are still in the establishment phases, it is not an unexpected result for these centers to have some problems in teaching area. Here, there is a point that needs to be thoroughly examined; how should we select the G/Ts more appropriately for the task? Furthermore, how can we gain ideal characteristics to them and develop them in the profession? Doubtlessly, it would be helpful to find out those problems and solve them in a way, which can provide some critical implications for the G/E literature.
This study attempts to develop a model, about the education of teachers who take a role in the education of gifted children in science which is a relatively new field for Turkey. In this thesis “case study” methodology was adopted. The study has consist of three stages; investigation, piloting and the “actual application”. Pre- investigative work has been carried out in 3 Science and Art Centers (SACs). These centers have been examined in terms of students, teachers and the learning environment. A draft model has been developed through data obtained from the preliminary investigation and reviewing of the related literature. The draft model consists of four main stages. These are; initial, certificate, after selection and in-service education. The final state of the model has been developed for science teachers after piloting the preliminary drafts. Piloting has been done by following two steps; first step was piloting the draft in the in-service education with 3 science teachers in SACs of Trabzon. Second step was obtaining the perceptions of academicians and SACs teachers about the parts of the model that are not applicable. The in-service education stage, which is obtained through piloting, has been applied to teacher for 28 hours in Bayburt SAC and evaluation has been done by using formative and follow-up evaluation procedures.
The findings of the study suggest that science teachers, who work in SACs are not different from the teachers of normal school in terms of the many aspects such as teaching methods, assessment and evaluation. In the study, it is revealed that the in-service education seminar has contributed to the improvement of participant teachers in great deal in the areas of a project based learning, use of special education methods and assessment and evaluation for gifted children and use of the Internet within knowledge and application dimensions of teaching and learning. In addition, as a result of follow-up evaluations, it has been found that participant teachers reflected the topics that are highly applicable for learning environments in their teaching processes more than other topics. For the success of the education model of science teachers of gifted children, it is recommended that academic support and application process should be paid more attention
Key Words: Gifted Education in Turkey, Science Teachers, Model Development, In-service Education
Language: English
GÖKDERE, Murat ” A Study of Developing a Model for the Education of Science Teachers of Gifted Children”, Ph.D., Department of Primary Science Education, April 2004, 219 pages.
Ondokuz Mayis University
Amasya Education Faculty
Department of Primary Education
Program of Science Teacher Education
05100 Amasya / TURKEY
Phone: (0090) 358 2526230 /1139
Fax:(0090) 358 2526222
E-mail: mgokdere@yahoo.com