In this thesis, I draw on contemporary social theory, media communication studies and discourse analysis to explore how the personal and micro-political of classroom discussions on new reproductive and genetic technologies (NRGTs) may be connected to global discourses. Although biotechnology in Ireland is represented by industry and the healthcare sector as a solution to disease, Irish public opinion, as well as global discourses from popular culture, literature and film, suggests these technologies may represent a scientific or moral threat to humanity or nature. When biotechnology is raised in biology classrooms, identity is central, as existential questions about the essence of humanity are combined with future visions through genetic screening/engineering and cloning. Yet science curriculum and pedagogy in Ireland rarely opens out to address these perspectives on genes and embryos.
Six schools with students aged from 15-17 years were presented with two activities that brought social and moral relevance to NRGTs. Films were used to present reproductive decision scenarios (pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and stem cell research), while a visiting health researcher presented on how his work related to society.
The thesis argues that Giddens’ (1991) life politics emerges in how young people bring into discourse ideas about scientific progress, nature and the body through structured framing strategies of communication and local performed action. In addition to interpreting these, the thesis examines how pedagogic practices may respond to, and take part in, such discursive strategies.
Key words: reproductive and genetic technologies, identities, socioscientific discussions, film as pedagogy, ethnography of education, life politics, science speakers
Murphy, P. 2005. Young people’s perspectives on genetics, identity and society using film and discussion. IN: H.E. Fischer (ed). Developing Standards in Research on Science Education. London: Taylor and Francis Group, pp165-170.
Pádraig Murphy,
School of Communications,
Dublin City University,
Dublin 9
e-mail: padraig.murphy@dcu.ie
phone: +353 1 7007703