The Department of Science Education seeks an excellent scholar for a position in biology education research with a focus on the upper secondary school level. The position is at either the Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor level. Candidates who are in doubt about which level of position (Assistant or Associate Professor) to apply for are encouraged to apply for both levels. The position is open from 1 August 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter.
We seek candidates who have extensive and documented experience with discipline-based education research in relation to biology (i.e., the field of research referred to in Scandinavia as “biologididaktik(k)”, in German as “Biologiedidaktik”, and in French as “didactique de la biologie”) at upper secondary school level (in Danish: Gymnasium). We greatly value that candidates are familiar (e.g., through own research or teaching) with pre- or in-service education or professional development of upper secondary school teachers in biology and other natural sciences.
The full job posting can be seen here: