More about me
I have been a Professor of Science Education at the Department of Primary Education, of the University of Crete in Greece since 2009 and the Director of the Science Teaching Laboratory in this Department since 2015. I have worked at the Leibniz Institute for Science and Mathematics Education (IPN) at the University of Kiel (2000-2004), and at the Pedagogical Department of University of Athens in Greece (2005 – 2009). I was the Treasurer (2011 – 2015) and the President (2015–2017) of the Hellenic Association for Science Education and ICT (ENEPHET). My research interests include the educational reconstruction of modern science topics (quantum mechanics, non-linear systems), in-service teachers training in teaching nanoscience and nanotechnology issues in school and out of school contexts, as well as pre- and in-service teachers training in using Information Communication Technologies in science teaching. I was the principal investigator from the University of Crete of the FP7 Framework EU-Project “IRRESISTIBLE” (2013–2016) and currently I am a member of the project team of the“GINT” project [STEM – Learning in out of school contexts], PhD Program: University of Oldenburg, Germany (2016–2020).