Developing Guide Material Based on Simple Tools Related to the Unit ‘Travel to the Inner Structure of Matter’ and It’s Effectiveness on Teaching Process Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alipasa AYAS E-mail:


In teaching and learning process, multiple learning environments are prepared by the use of well-designed visual materials and tool-equipments. In the current curriculum, lack of these materials causes teacher’s need of extra instructional materials. In this study guide materials, which includes experiments, models and analogies that are economically cheap and prepared by simple tool-equipments, concerning “Travel to the Inner Structure of Matter” unit in science 7th grade curriculum were developed, implemented and evaluated. Quasi-experimental design was used in the study. Regarding the unit, “Travel to the Inner Structure of Matter”, two tests were developed in order to determine students’ level before and after the implementation. Besides, a ‘Matrix Puzzle’ having a different assessing technique was prepared to evaluate students’ accomplishment. In addition, “Science Attitude Questionnaire” was developed to measure student’s pre-post interest and ideas towards science. The guide material was piloted in 2001-02 academic year. Then the material redesigned in regard to the findings and suggestions made by the teachers and experts. The actual implementation was done in 2002-03 academic year, with two experimental and two control groups with different teachers. While the material implemented in the experimental groups, the control groups continued to their education with current curricula. The study instruments applied to the each group before and after implementation. The results were analyzed by different techniques. ANCOVA was used for Level-Accomplishment Test and Attitude Questionnaire, One-Way ANOVA was used for matrix puzzle and then the results were compared. Chi-Square test was used for the relationship between accomplishment and attitude. According to the findings, it was determined that there were a significant difference between accomplishment and attitude in favor of the experimental groups; the relationship between accomplishment and attitude among all the groups was harmonious. At the end of the research, some suggestions were made to teacher educators and researchers.

Key Words: Science Education, Curriculum Development, Active Learning, Simple Experiments and Activities, Matter and Structure, Guide Material

Language: English


KARAMUSTAFAOGLU, Sevilay, ” Developing Guide Material Based on Simple Tools Related to the Unit ‘Travel to the Inner Structure of Matter’ and It’s Effectiveness on Teaching Process “, Ph.D., Department of Secondary Science and Mathematics Education, September 2003, 318 pages.



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