
ESERA conference 2013, Nicosia, Cyprus

Title/theme of conference: Science Education Research for Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning

Short description:

The conference took place at Nicosia, in Cyprus on 2nd-7th of September 2013.

The keynote speakers of the conference were the following:

Louise Archer

Louise Archer is Professor of Sociology of Education in the Department of Education and Professional Studies, King’s College London. Her research focuses on educational identities and inequalities, with particular reference to intersections of social class,’race’/ethnicity and gender. Her previous work has included studies on British Muslim pupils; working-class access to higher education, the minority ethnic middleclasses, urban youth and schooling and British-Chinese pupils’ educational ‘success’. She is currently director of the ASPIRES project (a 5 year longitudinal ESRC study on children’s science and career aspirations, and lead coordinator of the Targeted Initiative on Science and Mathematics Education (TISME), a research programme funded by the ESRC in
partnership with the Institute of Physics, Gatsby Charitable Foundation and the Association for Science Education (

Hans E. Fischer

Hans E. Fischer is Professor of Physics Education at the University of Duisburg- Essen. He is also speaker of the DFGResearch Group Science Education (nwu) since 2003, and held a research professorship of the DFG between 2003 and 2011. Other posts he has held in recent years include: Member of the National Council of Experts on “increasing the efficiency of mathematics and science instruction”; Member of the Council of Experts on Science of the PISA project (OECD); Member of the Commission of the Conference of the Ministries of Education of Germany for Curriculum Development and Standards of Science Education; Head of the Centre of Teacher Education of the Universities Dortmund and Duisburg-Essen; Co-editor of the International Journal of Science Education (IJSE) and the Journal of Science Teacher Education (JSTE). His fields of research interest include physics education as part of teacher education, students’ physics competencies on all levels of the educational system, teacher education,quality of instruction and the development of qualitative and quantitative research designs and measuring instruments. Hans E. Fischer has numerous publications in journals, book chapters, and has made numerous invited talks across the years.

Andrée Tiberghien

Andrée Tiberghien is currently “directrice de recherche émérite” au CNRS (UMR ICAR, University of Lyon, France). She obtained her Ph.D. in condensed matter physics from the University of Paris 6 in 1972. She started her research in science education with studies on students’ conceptions in several domains (electricity, heat-temperature, light). She has contributed for more than ten years to a research-development group of researchers and teachers to produce teaching resources and published research papers on the design based research of teaching resources. She is in charge of a database project on video recordings of teaching and training situations (ViSA). She serves on the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Science Education. Currently her research work is focused on science classroom practices and the evolution of student knowledge during teaching sequences. She is also involved in projects on assessment focused on student competencies and also on formative assessments in classrooms. She was a member of the science expert group of PISA 2006 and 2009. She is a member of the Science Expert group of PISA 2015.

Brian Hand

Brian Hand is a Professor of Science Education in the College of Education at the University of Iowa. Before coming to University of Iowa, he was a Professor and Director of the Center for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Education at Iowa State University. To support his research on science literacy and writing he has received funding from the Australian Research Council, National Science Foundation, the US and Iowa Departments of Education. Hand served as a member of the International Reading Association expert panel for standards for middle school literacy coaches and presented at the recent series of national workshops sponsored by NSF/NSTA on Science Literacy. He has published extensively in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Science Education, Research in Science Education, and the International Journal of Science Education. He served, or currently serves, on the editorial board of the Science Education, International Journal of Science Education, Journal of Elementary Science Education, and Studies in Science Education, and is associate editor for Research in Science Education.

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