Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning
Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference
ISBN 978-9963-700-77-6
General Editors: Constantinos P. Constantinou, Nicos Papadouris, Angela Hadjigeorgiou
Co-editors: Robin Millar, Jens Dolin, Justin Dillon, Andreas Redfors, Christiana Nicolaou, Petros Kariotoglou, Terence Russell, Margareta Enghag, Maria Evagorou, Kalypso Iordanou, Miriam Ossevoort, Jari Lavonen, Albert Zeyer, Andrée Tiberghien, Eleni Kyza, Fani Stylianidou, Esme Glauert, Digna Couso, Loucas Louca, Patricia Marzin-Janvier, Giorgos Olymbiou, Jan Alexis Nielsen, Marisa Michelini, Lucy Avraamidou, Dimitris Psillos, Marios Papaevripidou, Roser Pinto Casulleras, Graça Carvalho, Marianne Mortensen Foss
The goal of this electronic book is to publish improved versions of the proposals presented (after peer evaluation) at the ESERA 2013 conference. These updated versions of the papers take into account the discussion which took place during the presentation as well as the feedback received from the reviewers. A total of 960 submissions were received for the conference out of which 339 papers are included in the e-book, following the two rounds of review.
On the whole, the e-book presents a comprehensive overview of ongoing studies in Science Education Research in Europe. It represents the current interests and areas under emphasis in the ESERA community at the end of 2013.
The e-book contains sixteen parts corresponding to the 16 strands of the ESERA 2013 conference. Each part is co-edited by two or three persons, most of whom were strand chairs. The three formats of presentation made during the conference are published in this e-book. The length for a single oral presentation or poster is between 6 and 12 pages. For the symposium there are two possibilities: The whole symposium can be presented as a single paper of 6-12 pages or each contribution can be considered as a single oral presentation (6-12 pages).
All papers in this e-book correspond to communications submitted and accepted for the ESERA 2013 conference that were reviewed by two or three referees, prior to presentation in September 2013. Moreover the co- editors carried out a global reviewing of the updated versions of the papers, which were all submitted after the conference. ESERA or the editors and co-editors do not necessarily endorse or share the ideas and views presented in or implied by the articles included in this book.
The appropriate APA style for referencing this e-book is as follows: Constantinou, C. P., Papadouris, N., & Hadjigeorgiou, A. (Eds.). (2014). E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Nicosia, Cyprus: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6
The appropriate APA style for referencing individual articles in the e-book is as follows : [Author(s)]. (2014). [Title of article], In C. P. Constantinou, N. Papadouris & A. Hadjigeorgiou (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2013 Conference: Science Education Research For Evidence-based Teaching and Coherence in Learning. Part [strand number] (co-ed. Editors of the strand chapter), (pp.[page numbers]) Nicosia, Cyprus: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-77-6
Download the complete ESERA Conference 2013 E-Book (138 MB)
Within this Section
- ESERA e-Book Part1
- Introduction
- Upper secondary school students’ observations on dehydratation of copper sulphate pentahydrate
- Mathematical models in chemistry lessons
- A new analogy between mechanics and electricity: Pupil’s misconceptions, physical quantities and electrical components
- Do visual models support development of scientific explanations of ionisation energy values?
- The difficulties students face in predicting the outcome of an experimentThe difficulties students face in predicting the outcome of an experiment
- The narrative structure of continuum thermodynamics
- Talking about electricity: The importance of hearing gestures as well as words
- The teaching of science in the early years: Do teachers identify children’s preconceptions?
- Is students’ knowledge on the structure of matter coherent? A latent class analysis
- Electric potential: What do university students understand?
- Fostering the understanding of scientific experiments and phenomena through representational analysis tasks
- Conceptual understanding of Newton’s second law – Looking behind the FCI
- Pre-service primary and science teachers’ conceptions about the emergence of novel properties at the nanoscale
- Preliminary findings regarding students’ predictions in novel situations: The role of self-generated analogies in non-scientific reasoning
- Understanding basic concepts in ray optics: A representational approach
- Intuitive rules: An effective way to probe children’s alternative conceptions and enhance conceptual change
- Seeing and interacting with the invisible: A powerful tool for the learning of science
- Raising the level of understanding through the use of dynamically linked concrete and abstract representations in virtual laboratory environments in electric circuits
- A conceptual understanding of higher education students on stereochemistry
- Favouring the understanding of parabolic motion in a video based laboratory
- Conceptual representations of high school students concerning the source of current: The model of the highway
- The notion of modeling among the students of technical college
- Questioning with university students on stationarity, time evolution and connection between sets of eigenstates in quantum mechanics
- From image schemas to narrative structures in science
- Design-based research on the teaching sequence “the energy challenge in our societies”
- Enhancement of the learning ability of adolescent students through the application of the new learning theory of biopedagogism in secondary school teaching of biology
- ESERA e-Book Part2
- Introduction
- Validation of principles for the design of teaching-learning sequences that foster the transfer of learning in science education
- Students’ motivation and achievements in lower-secondary school science subjects – Slovenian profiles perspectives
- Exploring students’ cognitive strategies in chemistry learning
- Influences on the structure of scientific problem-solving processes
- Designing relevant contexts in context-based science education based on students’ everyday media exposure
- The fundamental things apply… as time goes by: Students’ long The fundamental things apply… as time goes by: Students’ long-term memories from an ecology field excursion
- Systemizing and motivation to learn science in different science subjects
- Cross-age peer tutoring in electricity: Comparing the outcomes of tutors and tutees
- Teaching methods enhancing grade nine students’ performance and attitudes towards biology
- Motivating weak secondary vocational school students through participating with scientific projects in a students’ conference
- Visual representations of the concept of periodicity across subjects: Their context and genre
- The impact of a science center outreach lab workshop on German 9th graders’ achievement in science
- Development of worked-examples enhancing scientific inquiry
- Factors influencing the choice of course level in chemistry
- Context-based science education by advertisement story problems: A dose-effect relationship for motivation
- The role of mathematics in the teaching and learning of physics
- Network workshop: Using network science to study processes of learning
- The future of European STEM workforce: What do secondary school pupils of Europe think about STEM industry and careers
- Training teachers to promote talent development in science students
- Learners’ beliefs and conceptions about the role of mathematics in physics
- Research-based coherent science teaching – assessment – learning to think for global sustainability
- The contribution of the journal Chemistry Education Research and Practice to resolving the complex nature of teaching and learning chemistry – Introduction paper to symposium
- Issues of sustainable development and green chemistry for innovating secondary chemistry teacher education
- Student high ability and achievement in science problem solving and other higher-order thinking tasks: The role of selective psychometric variables
- ESERA e-Book Part3
- Introduction
- Pupils’ discussion to understand magnetic interactions
- An investigation of the effects of a novel teaching approach on students’ learning of chemical ideas
- The multiple senses of science teaching at a hospital school
- Students’ use of science and mathematics in practical projects in design & technology
- Improvement and evaluation of a laboratory work for first-semester teacher-students
- Towards a learning environment for challenging the idea of the balanced nature: Insights from the first cycle of research
- Contributions of talk, gesture and salient elements of the setting to analyse student’s ideas in science through video
- Methods for multimodal analysis and representation of teaching- learning interactions in primary science lessons captured on video
- Small-group practical work vs. teacher demonstration in geometrical optics
- Professional knowledge of chemistry teachers – Video analysis of chemistry lessonsProfessional knowledge of chemistry teachers – Video analysis of chemistry lessons
- The impact of teachers’ pedagogical knowledge of triplet relationship on their decision to teaching triplets in chemistry
- Building meaning in genetics trough interaction: A mix-method video analysis proposal
- Effervescent tablets – An experimental approaching to understand chemical kinetics
- Problem-based and lecture-based learning: A quasi-experimental study with natural sciences students
- Teachers’ scaffolding strategies in computer-supported, inquiry-oriented science classrooms
- Horizon of human sex education in Lebanon
- Expert and novice practices in chemistry labwork and postlab session: A case study
- Scaffolding problem-based learning with module length problems
- Effects of teacher intervention on learning processes of primary school students in physics
- Teaching and learning university electrochemistry problems: Effect of student practice in problem solving on student achievement
- Family science education and inquiry-based science education
- An analytical rubric for powerpoint® presentations: Proposal of a complementary instrument to assess pedagogical content knowledge
- How does a teacher’s action enable or not students to adopt scientific ways of acquiring knowledge?
- Trainee teachers in the primary classroom: The role of questions in developing a sequence of inquiry-based classes
- Can the principles of topic specific PCK be applied across topics? Teaching PCK in a pre-service programme
- A survey of the chemistry misconceptions held by Irish pre-service science teachers and the development of strategies and materials to promote understanding
- Diagnosis and differentiating instruction: Differentiated task assignment in chemistry education
- ESERA e-Book Part4
- Introduction
- Engineering students’ experiences of learning labs – A case study of physics group work
- Design of research-based lab sheets for the acquisition of science competencies using ICT real-time experiments. Do students get the point of what they are doing?
- Which information resources do students use when they produce learning artifacts in science
- Reality in virtual space: Micro-worlds for teaching geometry
- A web-based educational software environment that supports students to develop and reflect on concept maps
- Students’ difficulties when reading interactive scientific visual representations
- Engineering students’ use of the interactive whiteboard during physics group work
- Documentary, A look into Vila Velha
- Teacher training, information and communication technologies and education on health
- TATI – A logo-like interface for microworlds and simulations for physics teaching in Second Life
- From the polar regions to the schools : Teaching tools for evidence-based polar education in Italy
- Using serious games and computer simulations in an authentic context for physics education
- Developing remote physics experiments to facilitate the development of competencies of secondary schools students
- Distance continuing education: Learning management and difficulties faced by science teachers
- From E-learning to practice: The influence of online professional development on science teachers’ practice
- Wikipedia as a tool for introducing social concerns into science education
- Video production and reception: Readings in the private mode of viewing
- The use of computational molecular modeling as an external cognitive processing tool: Preliminary results of a gestural analysis
- Implementing learning with sensors in science education: Students’ motivational orientations toward using MBL
- Analysis of students questionnaires after implementation of research-based activities on the acquisition of science competencies using sensors to real classrooms
- Research-based future science teacher training on using ICT- enhanced inquiry activities
- ESERA e-Book Part5
- Introduction
- Application of chemistry modules from the PARSEL project: Effectiveness and comparison with traditional teaching
- Explicit, reflective technology education (EXRETU) – An intervention study at lower secondary school
- Closing the gap between experimental data and concepts of electromagnetic induction
- A three-years teaching astronomy experience across grades 6-8
- Promoting a better understanding of global change phenomena – A design based research project
- Enhancing students’ and student teachers’ epistemological beliefs and conceptual understanding involved in metacognitive activities during a model-based TLS about optical properties of materials
- Learning about magnetic force: Experiments versus theoretical explanationsLearning about magnetic force: Experiments versus theoretical explanations
- An attempt to help students appreciate epistemological dimensions of energy
- Crucial aspects of the mathematics-physics relationship in electromagnetism
- Interpreting students’ errors: Examples from electrostatics
- PCK in pedagogical coaching: Questions and needs of teachers and consequent approaches
- Building vertical paths in exploring magnetic phenomena developing formal thinking
- ESERA e-Book Part6
- Introduction
- An investigation of pre-service teachers’ appreciation of certain aspects of the nature of science and its evolution after implementation of a structured teaching-learning sequence
- Explorative studies on physics teachers’ notions about science and their interdependency with methods of instruction
- How does drama support learning about the nature of science: Contrasting narratives from the UK and NZ
- Beyond the Wittgenstein’s silence: Some considerations about the debate realism x anti-realism in science education and a call for the philosophical plurality
- Context-specificities in students’ understanding of models and modelling: An issue of critical importance for both assessment and teaching
- The evolution of the content of geology textbooks in Greece at 19th- 20th century
- Why, when and how to teach nature of science in compulsory school – Teachers’ views
- When nature of science becomes the backbone of educational design: The case of global warming
- University students opinions on the science and technology: Contribution to social thinking
- The socio-environmental problem and the nature of science and technology: Promoting a change to improve their understanding
- For an enrichment and renewal of the conception of “nature of science” in science education
- The nature of science in science education research: A discussion about the references based on an analysis of the French science syllabuses
- Teaching sequences to understand nature of science: A new methodology to evaluate learning improvements
- ESERA e-Book Part7
- Introduction
- The evaluation of role playing in the context of teaching climate change
- Enhancing the quality of argumentation through question-focused teaching: A case study of 6th-grade primary school students in a science lesson on static electricity
- Key features of teacher-training based on a discursive approach to science education
- A new learning progression for student argumentation in scientific contexts
- Greek students’ ability in argumentation and informal reasoning about socioscientific issues related to biotechnology
- Promoting productive dialogic teaching in the classrooms: A challenge to science educationPromoting productive dialogic teaching in the classrooms: A challenge to science education
- How concept cartoons stimulate small-group discourse in upper secondary chemistry classes
- Periodicity in mathematics and science texts: The co-deployment of visual representations and reasoning
- Using oral analytical tools to the investigation between student and teacher on learning within real-life circumstances regarding studies in biology
- Promoting students’ evidence-based argumentation skills. A comparison of a dialogic argumentation vs a non-dialogic intervention
- Argumentation in organic chemistry education
- An investigation of high-school students’ dialogic argumentation skills
- Promoting students’ critical thinking through the design of scientific researches related to a SSI: The case of ADHD
- “Pulling the rope and letting it go”: Analyzing classroom dynamics that foster appropriation
- ESERA e-Book Part8
- Introduction
- The notion of “epistemological context” as a theoretical tool for science education
- The influence of prior knowledge about socio-scientific issues on university education students’ informal reasoning
- Formal prescriptions of a socially acute question in the curricula of agricultural vocational training courses: The case of farm animal welfare
- Second chance schools in Greece: Science teachers’ views and practices on designing scientific literacy curricula
- Promoting students’ use of content knowledge in SSI reasoning through laboratory activities
- The societal component in a model of relevance in science education
- Students’ personal epistemology: The impact of a game-based learning approach for sustainable development education
- Student alignment with the bioscience community in the GM food debate
- Does the context make a difference? Students’ ability in decision-making and the influence of contexts
- Gauging the level of science awareness among early secondary Maltese students
- Assessing communication competence in chemistry
- Significance of bioethics in science education: Opinions of Japanese university students about issues of bioethics
- Cohering without converging: Students’ use of doxa, norms and values while debating about SSI (Mexico, USA, France)
- Stakeholders’ views on science education in Europe: Method and first insights of the profiles international curricular Delphi study on science education
- Reasoning patterns in processing multi-criteria socio-scientific decision-making situations
- Argumentation about socio-scientific issues (SSI): Scientific knowledge, beliefs and values
- Stakeholders’ views of science education: Finnish PROFILES curricular Delphi study – Second round
- Text and context according to discursive approaches: Readings, appropriations and implications for research and practice in science education
- Cultural context for science education
- A comparative analysis of stakeholders’ views on science education from five different partner countries – Results of the second round of the international PROFILES curricular Delphi study on science education
- Stakeholders’ views on empirically based concepts for science education to enhance scientific literacy – Results from the third round of the international PROFILES curricular Delphi study on science education
- An analysis of context and learning environment models in science education research and practice
- A socio-philosophical model on the science-to-society relationship for science education
- ESERA e-Book Part9
- Introduction
- Science education in out-of-school contexts
- Health in Brazilian textbooks: Shadow on the social context and focus on the individual behavior
- Japanese students’ attitude towards relationships between humans and wildlife
- “Six activities to change pupils’ science world”: Science in the courtyard
- 12-year-old students’ attitude towards and views about the environmental problems
- Perspectives on promoting environmental education by using senses
- A multi-disciplinary approach to climate change
- How is the reintroduction of extinct animals regarded through age? A comparative study with students from two distinct school levels
- Aspects of preschool student – Teachers’ understanding of the ecological footprint concept
- Climate change literacy for vulnerable communities: A link between school and community
- Children interpreting wildlife through natural history dioramas
- Collaboration between school and community through agroecology: A vegetable school garden as a boundary object
- Educating for sustainability in virtual worlds: Does the virtual have value?
- Relational aesthetics and education for sustainable development
- Educational factors explaining 9th graders self-efficacy in ecological sustainable behaviours
- Engineer project: Breaking new ground in the science education realm
- Teaching chemistry in near-natural learning environments to address sustainability
- Development of an instrument to measure environmental literacy of post-secondary Greek students – Pilot testing and preliminary results
- Exploring science learning using smartphones in a science museum: Focusing on scaffolding
- Establishing and maintaining stem-related school-industry partnerships: Opportunities and obstacles
- Interdisciplinary student studies on the urban climate of the city of Cologne. Concepts for the implementation of a complex topic
- Nature experience and perception of nature in Peruvian school students: Closer to nature, but still far away?
- A multipurpose action for learning/teaching process: The Pigelleto’s summer school of physics
- Museum education, practical pedagogy and performance
- National park and school collaboration: A long-term partnership in an Austrian alpine region
- School agroecology as a motor for community and land transformations: A case study on the collaboration among community actors to promote education for sustainability school networks
- Linking education for sustainable development and science education through action community programs: The opinions of Cypriot parents
- ESERA e-Book Part10
- Introduction
- New Greek science curriculum (NGSC) for primary education: Promoting educational innovation under hard conditions
- Exploring the role of the science curriculum towards social justice
- Curriculum policy implications of the PISA scientific literacy framework
- The impact of performance assessment on science education at primary school
- Basic genetics content in secondary education: Comparing high school teachers’ and faculty members’ opinions with the university curriculum
- Biology Olympiad as a model for inquiry-based approaches
- What can images tell us? -A cross-cultural comparison of images on science textbooks between Australia and Taiwan
- How do funded science education projects disseminate their outcomes to target audiences? Analysis of the current status and recommendations for more effective dissemination
- Meet the scientist: The value of short interactions between scientists and secondary-aged students
- Vocational education in science technology, engineering and maths (STEM): Curriculum innovation through industry school partnerships
- Essentials of science – Development, evaluation and transfer into school practice of a competence oriented science course
- Teachers’ perspectives regarding a new subject: “Science for the contemporary world”
- Questioning in natural science tests and textbooks: A look into the Portuguese curriculum
- Students’ and teachers’ perceptions of school-based scientific literacy priorities and practice: A cross-cultural comparison between Cyprus and Germany
- The EU project SECURE (Science Education Curriculum Research) in Germany (Saxony)
- Intended, implemented and attained MST curricula across Europe: What can research tell us?
- Perceptions of teachers and learners about the mathematics, science and technology curricula in two European countries
- Applying physics models in context-based tasks in physics education
- Investigating MST curriculum experienced by eleven-year-old Polish and Italian pupils
- Identifying missing types of Nordic research in science education
- ESERA e-Book Part11
- Introduction
- Performance assessment of practical skills in science in teacher training programs useful in school
- Development of an instrument to measure children’s systems thinking
- Development of a two-tier test- instrument for geometrical optics
- Strengthening assessment in high school inquiry classrooms
- Analysis of student concept knowledge in kinematics
- Measuring experimental skills in large-scale assessments: Developing a simulation-based test instrument
- The notion of authenticity according to PISA: An empirical analysis
- Examining whether secondary school students make changes suggested by expert or peer assessors in the science web-portfolio
- Sources of difficulties in PISA science items
- In-context items in a nation wide examination: Which knowledge and skills are actually assessed?
- Predicting success of freshmen in chemistry using moderated multiple linear regression analysis
- Testing student conceptual understanding of electric circuits as a system
- Process-oriented and product-oriented assessment of experimental skills in physics: A comparison
- Modelling and assessing experimental competence: An interdisciplinary progress model for hands-on assessments
- Effects of self-evaluation on students’ achievements in chemistry education
- ESERA e-Book Part12
- Introduction
- Advanced activities using microscopes at a science museum to strongly promote children’s interest in science
- Science/mathematics teaching in Australian multilingual classrooms: A language use model
- Science for street children – Results of a longterm developmental project in science education
- Secondary school students’ views on gender inequalities in science
- Sex differences in the perceived value of outreach and museums/science centres in students’ decisions to enrol in university science, technology and engineering courses
- Irish science teachers’ views on linguistic diversity in the classroom
- Comics in language-sensitive science lessons
- Teachers’ conceptions of biological determinism in five countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France and Italy
- The choice of science and technology careers in Latin countries
- Working towards inclusive education: Introducing students with special needs to scientific reasoning and methods of investigation in chemistry classes
- The development of female gender identity and learning physics – A contradiction?
- Science teachers’ PCK about teaching and learning of scientific language in science classes
- Innovative curricula by expanding designing (ICED) in science education
- Inquiry-based learning environments to welcome the diversity of a chemistry class
- Linking science teachers’ quality and student achievement in TIMSS science: A comparison between Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Republic of Singapore
- ESERA e-Book Part13
- Introduction
- Postgraduate students’ facebook use in the “didactic of natural sciences in early childhood” course
- Development and evaluation of case method teaching materials using manga on tablet PCs: A scene awareness entry-type trial
- Prospective physics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge – Validating a test instrument by using a think aloud study
- Prospective physicists’ and physics teachers’ content knowledge – First results of a Germany-wide study
- Interest and learning in botanics, as influenced by teaching contexts
- Teaching the nature of science to science teachers: A case analysis in pre-service training
- Evaluation of Japanese pre-service teachers’ arguments on global warming
- Educating pre-school student teachers to instructional design
- How to prepare teacher students for experimenting in science classes: Results of a three years evaluation study
- Development of pre-service chemistry teachers’ professional knowledge
- Using vignette testing to measure student science teachers’ professional competencies
- Pre-service science teacher education: Inquiry into professional practical problems
- Prospective primary teachers’ conceptions about science teaching: Ideas resistant to change
- University-led school-based days: Strengthening initial teacher education through collaborative episodes in schools
- The impact of pre-service teachers’ metacognition on their planning choice of technology-mediated inquiry lesson plans
- The utilisation of a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) lens to develop pre-service teachers’ orientations towards inquiry practice
- Integrated science education of primary and middle school teachers – A reform in pre-service teacher education
- Does our initial training program for primary teachers really work? Design, implementation and analysis of a questionnaire
- Insights into the inquiry orientations of a cohort of Irish and Australian pre-service science teachers using a pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) lens
- Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of pedagogical autonomy through the examination of a public socio-scientific debate in the media
- Aim: To practise scientific methods. Result: Personal development
- Aim: To practise scientific methods. Result: Personal development
- Physics teacher students’ professional knowledge in Austria – A comparative study of two teacher training programs
- Development of pre-service teachers‘ “stages of concerns” in the context of the implementation and evaluation of the new graduate course “integrated science”
- Detecting the implications of using research results to guide a teaching process in the class on teaching science
- Reconstruction and video analysis of a thought experiment by Christiaan Huygens
- The system of teacher education for motivational teaching of gifted students
- Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy beliefs for teaching physics
- Authentic learning environments in chemistry lessons – Reflecting inquiry-based contexts in teacher education
- Modelling-based teaching in pre-service chemistry teacher education: A historical-cultural approach
- Student teachers writing science stories: A case study
- “There is no failure except in no longer trying” Addressing the chemical misconceptions of pre-service science teachers
- ESERA e-Book Part14
- Introduction
- Teacher professional development in action research in the secondary physics classroom: Evaluation and impactTeacher professional development in action research in the secondary physics classroom: Evaluation and impact
- Strike the iron when it’s hot – Teacher professionalization in Swiss science education
- How to enhance CPD to maximise the measurable impact on students’ achievement in science?
- Social interactions amongst members of a community of inquiry implementing IBSE in classrooms and outside
- Science content learning for in-service primary school teachers through ‘activities that work’
- A systematic approach to IBSE implementation in Italy: Building a model through the program “scientiaminquirendodiscere” – SID
- Pathway towards a standard-based approach to teaching science by inquiry
- Potentials and limitations of transformative research: The case of a school-based intervention towards achieving scientific competence
- Communities of practice and continuous teacher professional development. Findings from eight case studies
- A ‘blended’ model for science teacher training Approaching history and philosophy of science to the physics teaching: Reflections about a formative process for in-service teachers
- Approaching history and philosophy of science to the physics teaching: Reflections about a formative process for in-service teachers
- Bringing innovative IBSE teaching to school: A collaborative approach of university and school
- Broadening the frame: Towards reconciling teacher beliefs and practice in primary school science teaching
- Working with scientists: Impacts of a novel approach to professional development on primary teachers’ beliefs about the purposes and focus for science teaching
- Science teacher training and subject related conversations
- Investigation of the influence of professional competence on the quality of scripts
- Inquiry based science education in continual professional development program of in-service teachers
- Facilitating in-service science teachers in reforming their continued professional development
- A school-based professional development programme for science teachers: Participants’ reports on perceived impact over time
- Science teachers’ truthful narratives on interest in curriculum
- Deliberative innovation in science education
- Profiling in-service teachers across Europe to determine their attitude to IBSE
- Profiling in-service teachers across Europe to determine their attitude to IBSE
- Teachers’ reflections over pathway CPD activities on inquiry – based teaching
- Inquiry based science education and collecting evidence about its impact on students – The ESTABLISH project approach
- Science teachers’ individual and social learning related to IBSE in a large-scale, long-term, collaborative TPD project
- Teachers’ and students’ views on industry-related competences
- How can professional teachers improve science and mathematics teaching?
- A case study exploring a university teacher’s pedagogical content knowledge on mitosis
- On the epistemic nature of pedagogical content knowledge
- Pedagogical content knowledge aspects of green chemistry of organic chemistry university teachers
- Let the right one in! – The physics teacher and his energy education
- Teacher’s views on inquiry based learning and their examples of inquiry–oriented approaches
- Relationship of teachers’ perception of students’ knowledge and real students’ knowledge acquisition
- Relations between an in-service training program and profiles of university physics professors: Deadlocks and advancement opportunities
- The importance of competence-oriented textbook standards: The gap between teacher trainers’ and teachers’ points of view
- ESERA e-Book Part15
- Introduction
- Preschool children understanding of a precursor model of shadow formation
- The use of ICT in preschool education for the teaching of triangles
- Romanian science teaching policy in early education
- Designing and analyzing tasks for early grades using cultural historical activity theory (CHAT)
- Characteristics of science picture books liked by Japanese children in early childhood
- Identifying and enhancing the science within early years holistic practice
- In quest of teaching quality in preschool science: Teachers’ views of factors influencing their work
- Teaching practices through a CHAT curriculum in the early grades
- ESERA e-Book Part16
- Introduction
- Primary school science teachers’ conceptions concerning experimentation. A case study in France
- Evaluation of Japanese primary science curriculum materials from the viewpoint of supporting teacher learning
- Adapting IBSE material across Europe: Experiences from the PRI-SCI-NET FP7 project
- Design, implementation and evaluation of a teaching and learning sequence concerning the moon’s apparent movement
- Blending physical and virtual manipulatives to improve primary school students’ learning in physics
- Students’ perception of their physics-related instruction in the transition from primary to secondary school – A longitudinal analysis from 4th to 7th grade in Germany
- Students’ physics-related interests in the transition from primary to secondary school – How do they change and what instructional practices influence them?
- Not using scientific terminology? A study that investigates language and concept development in the primary science classroom
- Analysis of problem-oriented reading using the picture book La Promesse: Learning opportunities about metamophososis for 6- to 7-year-old children