Proceedings of the ESERA 2011 Conference
ISBN 978-9963-700-44-8
General Editors: Catherine Bruguière, Andrée Tiberghien, Pierre Clément
Co-editors: Virginie Albe, Silvia Caravita, Graça Carvalho, Costas Constantinou, Digna Couso, Jens Dolin, Reinders Duit, Bob Evans, Jane Johnston, Jari Lavonen, Conxita Marquez, Patricia Marzin, Laurence Maurines, Marisa Michelini, Robin Millar, Kai Niebert, Miriam Ossevoort, Roser Pinto, Dimitris Psillos, Miia Rannikmâe, Andreas Redfors, Helene Sorensen, Rosa Maria Sperandeo, Jouni Viiri, Manuela Welzel-Breuer, Abert Zeyer
The goal of this electronic book is to publish an improved version of the proposal that takes into account the discussion that took place during the presentation.
This e-book contains fourteen parts corresponding to the 14 strands of the ESERA 2011 conference. Each part is co-edited by one or two persons, most of whom were strand chairs. The three formats of presentation made during the conference are published in this e-book. The length for a single oral presentation or poster is between 4 and 7 pages. For the symposium there are two possibilities: The whole symposium can be presented as a single paper of 15 pages or each contribution can be considered as a single oral presentation (4-7 pages).
All papers in this e-book correspond to communications accepted for the ESERA conference that were reviewed by two referees. Moreover the co- editors carried out a global reviewing of the papers. ESERA or the editors and co-editors do not necessarily endorse or share the ideas and views presented in or implied by the articles included in this book.
The appropriate APA style for referencing this e-book is as follows: Bruguière, C., Tiberghien, A., & Clément, P. (Eds.). (2012). E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2011 Conference: Science learning and Citizenship. Lyon, France: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-44-8
The appropriate APA style for referencing individual articles in the e-book is as follows : [Author(s)]. (2012). [Title of article], In C. Bruguière, A. Tiberghien & P. Clément (Eds.), E-Book Proceedings of the ESERA 2011 Conference: Science learning and Citizenship. Part [strand number] (co-ed. Editors of the strand chapter), (pp.[page numbers]) Lyon, France: European Science Education Research Association. ISBN: 978-9963-700-44-8
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Stand 1 learning-science – conceptual-understanding
Co-editors: Roser Pinto and Kai Niebert
Theories, models, and empirical results on conceptual understanding, conceptual change and development of competences; methodology for investigating students’ processes of concept formation and concept use; strategies to promote conceptual development.
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- Challenging pre-galilean misconceptions through alternative visualizations / Estelle Blanquet, Éric Picholle
- Constructing scientific knowledge in the classroom: a multimodal perspective on conceptual change / Carol Callinan, John Sharp
- Students’ learning processes in the field of special relativity / Kyriaki Dimitriadi, Krystallia Halkia, Dimitrios Stavrou
- Reasoning schemata activated by secondary education students in order to solve chemical kinetics questions / José Manuel Domínguez Castiñeiras, José Sánchez Piso
- A hands-on project to address antibiotic resistance in high school / Maria João Fonseca, Catarina L. Santos, Fernando Tavares
- An anthropological approach to analyse a chemical knowledge during experimental design / Isabelle Girault, Cédric D’ham, Mohammad D. Alturkmani, Hamid Chaachoua
- Do physics textbooks promote conceptual understanding ? / Hendrik Härtig, Hans E. Fischer
- Informal laboratories and pupils’ reasoning in interpreting electrostatics interactions / Alessandra Mossenta, Marisa Michelini
- Scientific knowledge and learning in biology and geology: between phenomenon and event / Denise Orange Ravachol, Christian Orange
- Acceptance and understanding of evolution theory: a comparative study of greek and serbian teachers / Penelope Papadopoulou, Jelena Stanisavljević, Efstratios Katakos, Kyriacos Athanasiou
- Children’s biological conceptions before and after instruction / Cinzia Ronchi, Florence Labrell, Caterina Lorenzi, Maria Cristina Tatano, Paola Perucchini
- Chinese and australian children’s understanding of the earth: a cross cultural study of conceptual development / Ying Tao, Mary Oliver, Grady Venville
- How 16 years old students deal with electricity concepts in inquiry situation ? / Claire Wajeman, Philippe Michel
- A typology of students’ kinetic views of chemical equilibrium systems / Ruth Wheeldon, Robert Atkinson, Alex Dawes, Ralph Levinson
- Students’ sense-making of electromagnetic induction: a semiotic analysis / Jennifer Yeo
- Causal relational reasoning of 5th graders using density in explaining floating-sinking phenomena / A. Zoupidis, D. Pnevmatikos, A. Spyrtou, P. Kariotoglou
- Upper Secondary School Students learning pathways through quantum concepts / Alberto Stefanel, Marisa Michelini, Lorenzo Santi
Strand 2 Cognitive, affective, and social dimensions in learning science.
Co-editors : Silvia Caravita and Albert Zeyer
Cognitive, affective, and social dimensions in learning science. Design of in-school and extra-school learning environments and study of teaching/learning processes. Representational languages and knowledge organization. Collaborative construction of knowledge.
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- Science teacher training through an ibl experience / M.r. Ariza, A. Quesada, A.m. Abril, F.j. García
- Mathematical and scientific wellbeing (m/swb): broadening the original construct / Philip C Clarkson, Wee Tiong Seah
- The challenge of implementing ibl cross-culturally and cross-curricularly / Nina Cords, Robert Fischer, Amrita Prasad, Manfred Euler
- Representation use and strategy choice in physics problem solving / Mieke De Cock
- Worldviews to the concept of evolution among students in an initial teacher training course / Luís Fernando Marques Dorvillé, Sandra Escovedo Selles
- Force dynamic gestalt of natural phe- nomena: teaching the concept of energy / Hans U. Fuchs, Federico Corni, Enrico Giliberti, Cristina Mariani
- Self-determined learning in science classrooms (grade 8) – an empirical study / Anja Göhring
- The influence of interconnectedness and problem-orientation on achievement in context-based learning / Andrea Harbach, Sabine Fechner
- Authentic inquiry learning : students and scientists “on equal terms” / Christine Heidinger, Franz Radits
- Lads in physics classes : interactions between masculinities and learning opportunities / Josimeire M. Julio, Arnaldo M. Vaz
- How are high school students’ epistemological beliefs related to their goal orientations ? / Cansel Kadioglu, Esen Uzuntiryaki, Yesim Capa Aydin
- A study on the relationship among the cognitive, emotional and social development of open university students / Stavroulia Kalliopi-evangeli, Psycharis Sarantos, Makri-botsari Evi
- Do science research apprenticeships enhance pupils’ interest in science ? / Suzanne Kapelari, Elisabeth Carli, Anna Oberrauch
- An examination of gender difference in middle school students’science self-efficacy and its sources / Dekant Kiran, Semra Sungur
- The effect of metaconceptual teaching interventions on students’ self-efficacy toward chemistry / Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut, Omer Geban
- Differences in students’ situational interest and learning achievement caused by learning with different contexts / Eva Kölbach, Elke Sumfleth
- High school students’ domain specific epistemological beliefs and their conceptual change / Feral Ogan-bekiroglu, Ercan Kaymak
- Its chemistry! an intervention programme aimed at developing thinking skills in chemistry / Maria Sheehan, Peter E. Childs
- Involving students in research on the use and construction of concept cartoons for chemistry classes / Rosina Steininger, Anja Lembens
- Homework motivation and achievement in chemistry education / Katja Stief, Hubertina Thillmann, Elke Sumfleth
- The secrets of outdoor games and the laws of kinematics / Ekaterina Teteleva, Sergey Bogdanov
- Predictors of chemistry self-efficacy among college students / Esen Uzuntiryaki Kondakci, Yesim Capa Aydin, Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut, Michael E. Beeth
- Characteristics of real life contexts and their influence on student interest in learning chemistry / Helena Van Vorst, Sabine Fechner
- Evaluation of educational design methodology utilizing concept mapping/ Veli-matti Vesterinen, Johannes Pernaa, Maija Aksela
- The potential of an out-of-school laboratory to improve the image of physics and chemistry / Susanne Weßnigk, Manfred Euler
- Implementation of inquiry-based learning in german school practice / Jens Wilbers, Silke Mikelskis-seifert, Katja Maaß, Alexander Oettlin
- Brain type, sex differences, and motivation to learn science: a cross-cultural study / Albert Zeyer, Ayla Çetin-dindar, Ahmad Nurulazam Md Zain, Mojca Juriševič, Iztok Devetak, Freia Odermatt
Strand 3 Teaching and learning science
Co-editors : Marisa Michelini and Reiners Duit
Relations between teaching practices and student cognitive and affective development, planning teaching/learning intervention. Research based intervention and its role for curricula planning, instructional paths and learning outcomes, monitoring learning and its role in teaching practices, laboratory-based practice.
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- Investigating classroom activities: what kind of information do we get – and what do we miss ? / Claudia Von Aufschnaiter
- Learning about greenhouse effect: framing thermal phenomena and optics in a challenging context / Ugo Besson, Anna De Ambrosis, Pasquale Onorato
- Which standards should textbooks meet to support competence oriented teaching ? / Katrin Bölsterli, Markus Rehm, Markus Wilhelm
- Study of the approach of electrical concepts in teaching physics at college (proposals for the syrian educational system compared with the french system) / Chaza Cheikh
- Multi-theoretic approaches to understanding the science classroom / David Clarke, Li Hua Xu, Jenny Arnold, Lay Hoon Seah, Christina Hart, Russell Tytler, Vaughan Prain
- The impact of physical explanations on secondary students’ knowledge acquisition in thermodynamics / Antony Crossley, Erich Starauschek
- A sustainable teacher training: approaching more science content and inquiry / Margareta Enghag, Birgitta Norberg Brorsson
- Watching the sky -new realizations, new meanings, and surprizing aspects in university level astronomy / U. Eriksson, C. Linder, J. Airey
- The effects of aim-gapped experimentation on concept learning and gaining scientific process skills / İlknur Güven, Ayla Gürdal
- The influence of content and language integrated learning on content performance in magnetism / Claudia Haagen, Martin Hopf
- Graphs in upper secondary school chemistry education / Marja Happonen, Maija Aksela
- The effect of brain based learning on academic success, attitude and retrieval of information in science and technology classes / Nuray İnci, Hilmi Erten
- Teachers’ conceptions: interaction between self-epistemology / didactical skills / professional identity. “mixtures and solutions” course design – analysis of french school teachers’ practices in the last elementary grades / Frédéric Kapala
- Promoting student-active and inquiry-based science learning by the project salis / Marika Kapanadze, Ingo Eilks, Simon Janashia, Malkhaz Makashvili, Marc Stuckey, Silvija Markic
- Toward a theoretical explanation of the interplay between the collective and the individual dynamics in physics learning / Olivia Levrini, Paola Fantini, Marta Gagliardi, Giulia Tasquier, Barbara Pecori
- Teaching and learning sequences for the study of electric energy at primary school / Dulce María López-valentín, María Teresa Guerra-ramos, Carmen Mayela Rojo-camarillo
- Lesson plans for student language heterogeneity for the topic “matter and its properties” / Silvija Markic
- The development and validation of a tool for measuring topic specific pck in chemical equilibrium / M.e. Mavhunga, M. Rollnick
- Education to scientific images through chat-supported collaboration to design functional brain images / Réjane Monod-ansaldi, Grégoire Molinatti, Eric Sanchez
- Pedagogical link making: a methodology of analysis of teaching and learning scientific conceptual knowledge / Eduardo F. Mortimer, Phil Scott
- An intervention for using multiple representations of mechanics in upper secondary school courses / Pasi Nieminen, Antti Savinainen, Niina Nurkka, Jouni Viiri
- Genetic engineering education and citizenship in Tunisia / Wided Oueslati, Laurence Simonneaux, Atf Azzouna
- Using communication patterns for analysing classroom activities in chemistry / Tobias Pollender, Oliver Tepner
- Acting with pendulum – the process matters where the object also should / Oleg Popov, Thongloon Vilaythong
- Comments on the results of a teaching intervention on evolution. which pupils benefited ? / Lucia Prinou, Lia Halkia, Constantine Skordoulis
- How to help pupils to build up scientific problems in biology lessons / Patricia Schneeberger, Yann Lhoste, Brigitte Peterfalvi
- Greek teachers’ attitudes, beliefs, knowledge and context, concerning evolution teaching / Panagiotis Stasinakis, Kyriacos Athanasiou
- Designing virtual experiments in electric circuits by high school students / Athanasios Taramopoulos, Euripides Hatzikraniotis, Dimitrios Psillos
- How secondary school students design, perform and explain experiments on the rate of reaction / Montserrat Tortosa Moreno
- Types of intra- and intermolecular bonding: the case of general chemistry textbooks / Georgios Tsaparlis , Eleni T. Pappa
- Learning science through engaging with its epistemic representational practices / Russell Tytler, Peter Hubber, Annie Maj Johansson, Per-olof Wickman, Vaughan Prain, Jim Carolan, Bruce Waldrip, Richard Duschl
- Mathematics in physics: analysis of students’ difficulties / Olaf Uhden, Gesche Pospiech
- Pupils’ views about experiments in science / Stefan Uhlmann, Burkhard Priemer
- Students ideas about diagrams of a flower and a plant cell / Unsal Umdu Topsakal, John Oversby
- Using kitchen stories as starting point for chemical instruction in high school / Jenni Vartiainen, Maija Aksela, Anu Hopia
- The use of thought experiments in teaching physics. the case of the principle of equivalence / Athanasios Velentzas, Krystallia Halkia
- The effect of lesson duration (45 vs. 60 minutes) on quality of physics instruction / Rainer Wackermann, Burkhard Priemer
- Researching experimental phases in chemistry education using video analysis / Maik Walpuski, Alexandra Schulz
- Learning physics in daily life contexts: a concept for effective learning and teaching / Bianca Watzka, Raimund Girwidz
Strand 4 ICT and other resources for teaching/learning science
Co-editors : Patricia Marzin and Jari Lavonen
Design and use of resources and environments for teaching/learning science: ICT and TEL in science education, other resources (science textbooks, teaching sequences, etc.).
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- The construction of meaning in science class with using a digital learning object / Dalva Mariana Affonso, Wilson Massashiro Yonezawa
- Two graphs don’t make a whole: the synthesis of disparate graphs in inquiry-based science learning / Itay Asher, Samira Nasser, Lina Ganaim, Iris Tabak
- Analysis of electrochemical cells processes simulations. students’ points of view / Jean Paul Ayina Bouni, Suzane El Hage, Soudani Olfa, Soudani Mohamed
- A relational model of the lexicon to describe and analyse ecological contents in primary school textbooks / Leonardo Beccarisi, Maria Cristina Tatano, Caterina Lorenzi
- Development and evaluation of a digital environmental learning game for children / Akiko Deguchi, Yoshiaki Takeda, Fusako Kusunoki, Midori Tanaka
- Transposition of a scientific tool into the educational world : the case of molecular visualization / Stanislas Dorey, Maryline Coquidé
- Coherence of an ict-using teaching sequence : a case study in optics at lower secondary school / Suzane El Hage, Christian Buty
- Science teachers’ initial motivation for distance education / Paulo Sérgio Garcia, Nelio Bizzo
- Practices in the teaching of sciences in school inclusion of a blind pupil with delleman syndrome / Marlise Geller, Sonia Duarte Brandão
- Preschool science education with the use of ict : a case study / Michail Kalogiannakis, Nicholas Zaranis
- Knowledge organization in university physics textbooks / Sharareh Majidi
- Students’ acceptance of a learning management system for teaching sciences in secondary education / Sarantos Psycharis, Georgios Chalatzoglidis, Michail Kalogiannakis
- A game in the classroom: what do students learn? / Eric Sanchez
- Influence of connectivism on science education with emphasis on experiments / Eva Trnova, Josef Trna
- Comparative evaluation of lower-secondary physics textbooks: the role of science education / Georgios Tsaparlis, Georgios Tsoulos, Constantinos Kampourakis
- The states-of-matter approach (soma) to high-school chemistry : textbook and evaluation by teachers / Georgios Tsaparlis, Evangelos Pyrgas
- Web-based tool for basic chemical problem solving in an e-learning context / José Eduardo Vílchez
- A mobile computing system developed by digitising the fortune line method / Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shigenori Inagaki, Hideo Funaoi, Akiko Deguchi, Shinichi Kamiyama
Strand 5 Nature of science, History, Philosophy, Sociology of Science
Co-editors : Laurence Maurines and Andreas Redfors
The implications of nature of science, its history, philosophy, sociology and epistemology, for science education. The significance of models and modelling for science education as reflected in the particular importance attached to the use of metaphors, analogy, visualization, simulations and animations in science.
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- Introduction / Laurence Maurines, Andreas Redfors
- The concept of analogue modelling in geology : an approach to mountain building / Edite Bolacha, Helena Moita De Deu, Paulo Emanuel Fonseca
- Evaluating student gains in the profiles project / Claus Bolte, Sabine Streller
- Profiles* – professional reflection-oriented focus on inquiry-based learning and education through science / Claus Bolte, Sabine Streller, Jack Holbrook, Miia Rannikmae, Rachel Mamlok Naaman, Avi Hofstein, Franz Rauch
- Assesment of the impact of sciences studies in understanding the nature of science in six countries / Néstor Cardoso, Edna Morales, Angel Vázquez
- Undergraduates’ beliefs on the nature of science: a comparison between science and humanities / Mayra García-ruiz, Alejandro Cid Del Prado
- Is the atom real or built? or is it an intermediate between these two? a wittgensteinian approach / Jackson Gois, Marcelo Giordan
- Determination of students’ model competence using open-ended and hands-on tasks / Juliane Grünkorn, Juliane Hänsch, Annette Upmeier Zu Belzen, Dirk Krüger
- Creating a more sophisticated student vision of the nature of science : a survey report / Andreia Guerra, Marco Braga, José Claudio Reis
- Missing links in the experimental work: students’ actions and reasoning on measurement and uncertainty / Susanne Heinicke, Falk Riess
- Key teacher’s roles in supporting the co- construction of students’ knowledge in modelling-based teaching contexts / Rosária Justi, Paula Paganini Costa, Nilmara Braga Mozzer
- Formal analogies in physics teacher education / Ricardo Karam, Elio Carlos Ricardo
- Assessment of students’ concepts of models and modeling: empirical evaluation of a model of model competence / Moritz Krell, Annette Upmeier Zu Belzen, Dirk Krüger
- Students’ understanding of the nature of science: a large scale trans-national comparison / María-antonia Manassero–mas, Ángel Vázquez–alonso, Antoni Bennàssar-roig, Antonio García–carmona
- The nature of science in physics courses: place and role of the history of science / Laurence Maurines, Daniel Beaufils
- Theoretical models for (meso)chemistry: paradigmatic facts / Cristian Merino, Mercè Izquierdo
- Students’ analogical reasoning when participating in modelling-based teaching activities / Nilmara B. Mozzer, Rosária Justi, Paula P. Costa
- Prospective science teachers’ appreciation of science : the case of theory of evolution vs. intelligent design / Ebru Z. Mugaloglu , Sibel Erduran
- Opening up values through history and philosophy of science / John Oversby
- Iberian-american students’ and teachers’ perceptions about gender effects in science / Silvia Porro, Claudia Arango, Diana Hugo, Angel Vázquez Alonso
- “scientific inquiry practices of workshop experts for elementary students in mexico” / Flor Reyes-c, Andoni Garritz
- Epistemic styles of thinking of pre-service chemistry and physics teachers / Norman Riehs, Stefan Rumann
- Nos ideas as cntextualized in the present science: nanomodelling as an example / Suvi Tala
- Teachers’ conceptions on nature of science : strengths, weaknesses and influence of teaching practice / Ángel Vázquez–alonso, María-antonia Manassero–mas, Antoni Bennàssar-roig, Antonio García–carmona
- Developing children’s views of the nature of science through role play / Cakici Yilmaz, Eylem Bayir
Strand 6 Discourse and argumentation in science
Co-editors : Manuela Welzel-Breuer and Conxita Marquez
Understanding, supporting and promoting use of evidence and argumentation discourse in science education. Scientific practices related to knowledge evaluation and communication. Supporting the development of critical thinking. Discourse analysis. Talking and writing science in the classroom. Meaning making in science classrooms.
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- Building context and continuity in classroom discourse; a case study at the high school level / Zeynab Badreddine
- Epistemic features of science teachers’ talk: comparing the discursive practices of two science teachers / Andri Christodoulou, Jonathan Osborne
- Science learnings and debates on past biodiversity in primary school and in history of science / Patricia Crépin-obert
- The case of designing and validating a tool to assess 11-14 year old students written argumentation / Maria Evagorou, Elena Papanastasiou, Jonathan Osborne
- Tracing of students’ scientific argumentation quality / Hanife Hakyolu, Feral Ogan-bekiroglu
- The way the history of science discourse is embedded in greek school science textbooks / Krystallia Halkia , Kostas Exarchakos, Constantine Skordoulis
- How does the content-related quality of students’ statements influence the learning outcome? / Rebecca Knobloch, Maik Walpuski
- Study of the interrelationship between students’ arguments and features of tasks in science classes / Aikaterini Konstantinidou
- Teaching science in the midst of fuzzy disagreement: a study of argumentation in a classroom / Danusa Munford, Ana Paula Souto-silva, Diego Oliveira Da Silva
- Classroom discourse types and students’ learning of an interaction diagram and newton’s third law / Niina Nurkka, Asko Mäkynen, Jouni Viiri, Antti Savinainen, Pasi Nieminen
- Making meaning of graphical representations in beginners’ physics lessons / Gesche Pospiech, Ulrike Böhm, Marie Geyer
- Multimodal discourse in college physics classroom. case: electric flux concept / Naykiavick Rangel, Marina Castells
- The role of grammar in short verbalizations while autonomous science learning / Antonio E. Rueda Muñoz, Manuela Welzel-breuer
- Teachers’ change of conceptions on argumentation and its teaching / Francisco Javier Ruiz O, Conxita Márquez, Oscar Eugenio Tamayo A
- Relations between the arguments set out in scientific papers and arguments produced by students / Daniela Lopes Scarpa, Silvia Luzia Frateschi Trivelato
- A comparative study of the semiosis process in physics teaching / Gérard Sensevy, Andrée Tiberghien
- Questions in science textbooks: do they prompt students’ inquiry and problem-based learning? / Clara Vasconcelos, Joana Torres, J., Luís Dourado, Laurinda Leite
- Discourse in science teacher education: a methodological approach to segment discourse in levels / Rodrigo Drumond Vieira, Silvania Sousa Do Nascimento
Strand 7 – Scientific literacy and socio scientific issues
Co-editors : Virginie Albe and Bob Evans
Teaching about scientific literacy, science and citizenship education, science and media education, information literacy, informal reasoning and critical thinking, decision making, debates on socioscientific issues (SSI), discourse communities, social dimension of science and technoscientific practices, public engagement in science, schools’, students’ and teachers’ engagement in socioscientific issues.
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- Introduction / Virginie Albe, Robert Evans
- Mass extinctions and loss of biodiversity: prior knowledge in science and literature high school students / António Almeida, Clara Vasconcelos, Joana Torres
- New approach in french middle school: a possible congruence between ssi and citizenship education / Catherine Barrue, Virginie Albe
- The pre-service physics teacher and the challenge of the socio-scientific issues-based approach / José Roberto Da Rocha Bernardo
- Bringing meaning to scientific literacy by making teachers values explicit / Rebecca Cooper, Deborah Corrigan
- Students’ opinions about a ssi: perspectives refered in their arguments about bears’ reintroduction / Ana Mª Domènech, Conxita Márquez
- Mimicking authentic societal practices for learning about the use of science-related information / Ingo Eilks, Ralf Marks, Mareike Burmeister
- Science education for civil society : bridging the gap with michel foucault and pierre bourdieu / Michael Geiger
- Influence of external aspects on students’ evaluation and judgement competence in chemistry / Julia Hostenbach, Maik Walpuski
- Photovoltaic as a possibility to gain “green electricity”– a socioscientific issue to increase students’ ability of decision making / Corinne Knittel, Silke Mikelskis-seifert
- Assessment of the efficiency of education for sustainable development in compulsory schooling: toward relevant indicators / Jean-marc Lange , Martine Janner, Patricia Victor
- Pondering deborah’s dilemma: assessing risk in scientific issues / Ralph Levinson, Phillip Kent, David Pratt, Cristina Yogui, Ramesh Kapadia
- Turkish secondary school students’ views on socio-scientific issues: resolution requires action / Fatih Çağlayan Mercan, Buket Yakmacı-güzel, Füsun Akarsu
- Investigation of primary school students’ attitudes towards technology / Gülcan Mıhladız, Meltem Duran, M. Zeki Yıldırım
- A framework for considering cross-cultural exchanges as a way to develop reasoning about environmental socioscientific issues / Olivier Morin, Laurence Simonneaux, Russell Tytler, Jean Simonneaux
- Moral development in school science teaching: exploring an interface of contributions / Roberto Nardi, Julio César Castilho Razera
- Critical readind activities to develop critical thinking in science classes / Begoña Oliveras, Conxita Márquez, Neus Sanmartí
- Talking science: the popular astronomy of camille flammarion / Silvania Sousa Do Nascimento
- Developing a module on stem cells : student-teachers’ media inquiry / Vasiliki Spiliotopoulou, Ioannis Papantoniou
- “aspects of technology” in science fiction texts – science fiction in science classroom: an empirical study / Ioanna Stavrou, Constantine Skordoulis
- University students’ decision-making on an environmental problem / Araitz Uskola, Gurutze Maguregi, María-pilar Jiménez-aleixandre
Strand 8 Environmental, health and Informal-Outdoor Science education
Co-editors : Miriam Ossevoort and Graça Carvalho
Ecological and Environmental Education, Education for Sustainable Development, environmental health, health education and health promotion. Lifestyles and attitudes towards health and the environment. Developing and evaluating the impact of programmes and experiences outside classrooms, including those organised by institutions other than schools.
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- The contribution of “popular” books to the informal learning of chemistry / Ana S. Afonso, John K. Gilbert
- Biocentric reasoning in children: implications in science and environmental education / António Almeida, Orlando Strecht-ribeiro, Clara Vasconcelos
- Feeding habits of primary school students in a rural area / Şenol BeŞoluk, İsmail Önder
- Teachers’ understanding of sustainable development – discipline bound differences / Carola Borg, Niklas Gericke
- Teaching about plastics and education for sustainable development in chemistry education / Mareike Burmeister, Ingo Eilks
- How student teachers form their educational practice in relation to sustainable development / Ingela Bursjöö
- Development of competences and conditions for good practices in esd. a qualitative international survey / Silvia Caravita, Pierre Clément
- Diversity of teachers’ conceptions related to environment and human rights. a survey in 24 countries / Pierre Clément, Silvia Caravita
- The turkish adaptation of the environmental education and ecological behavior questionnaire / Nilgün Demİrcİ, Funda Eraslan, Sema Yildiz
- Contribution to the design-based features enhancing ill-structured problem solving: campfire problems / Yasemin Doğan, Zeynep Gürel
- Environmental impacts and education for sustainable development in public school / Maria Eloisa Farias, Tania Renata Prochnow, Ana Paula Chies
- Seizure of atmospheric co2: a teaching methodology aiming for sustainability / Tania Renata Prochnow, Maria Eloisa Farias, Julio Ricardo Bastos
- Influence of a non-formal environmental education program (green council program) on pupils’ environmental literacy / Daphne Goldman, Orit Ben-zvi Assaraf
- Finnish pupils’ conceptions of the importance of nutrition, sleep and exercise for their well-being / Eila Jeronen, Tuomas Luukkonen, Juha Roininen, Juha Jeronen
- Expert teachers’ teaching models of life- cycle thinking in chemistry instruction – a design research / Marianne Juntunen, Maija Aksela
- An investigation of environmental risk perceptions of primary and science pre-service teachers / Mustafa Kahyaoğlu, M.i̇kbal Yeti̇şi̇r, F.kıyas Bi̇rel
- Making use of educational research in the planning of a nanoscience exhibition / Antti Laherto
- The contributions of systemic thought to environmental and health education / Christine Marques Palácios, Rossano André Dal-farra, Marlise Geller
- Learning science in interaction with the exhibit in a museum of natural history / Jesús Piqueras, Karim M. Hamza
- Primary schools teachers’ conceptions of environment. a comparison between australia and france / Frances Quinn, Pierre Clément
- Food and nutrition in brazilian schools : health and science education interactions / Carolina Netto Rangel, Elizabete Cristina Ribeiro Silva, Rebecca Greenwood, Alexandre Brasil Fonseca
- Environmental education and climate change: possibilities of learning through a game / Rosana Louro Ferreira Silva, Simone Rodrigues De Freitas, Laury Amaral Lyers, Juscemácia Nascimento Araújo
- Talking science: the popular astronomy of camille flammarion / Silvania Sousa Do Nascimento
- Urban and rural primary school pupil’s conceptions about the respiratory system and smoking / Rosa Branca Tracana, Isabel Varanda, Sara Viveiros, Graça S. Carvalho
- The contribution of secondary school subject teachers to the education for sustainable development / Anna Uitto, Seppo Saloranta
- Global warming: a case study of eight french teachers’ involvement in education for sustainable development / Benoît Urgelli, Laurence Simonneaux
- School science and public awareness : a geological walk through time (foz do douro – porto, portugal) / Clara Vasconcelos, Mónica Sousa, Susana Aires, Violeta Ramos, Manuela Marques, Luísa Borges, Fernando Noronha
- Reexamination of how a science museum should be and its regeneration as a community-based museum / Atsuko Yamanaka, Shogo Kawakami
- Sex education in lebanon and france / Assaad Yammine, Iman Khalil, Pierre Clément
Strand 9 : Science curriculum, educational policy
Co-editors : Jens Dolin and Miia Rannikmâe
Curriculum development. Reform implementation, dissemination and evaluation. International comparison studies such as TIMSS and PISA. Evaluation of schools and institutions. Policy and Practice issues: local, regional, national, or international issues of policy related to science education.
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- Thematic classification of eligible contexts for a holistic perspective in curriculum development / Ridvan Elmas, Mustafa Sahin Bulbul, Ali Eryilmaz
- The challenge of generic competences to science education / P. Fensham
- The sputnik reaches argentina: the curricular reform in chemistry teaching (1956-1983) / Bruno Ferreira Dos Santos
- Between science and citizenship education, the case of trangenesis in the french biology syllabuses / Magali Fuchs-gallezot
- Science in the irish transition year: the pupil experience / Sarah Hayes, Peter Childs
- Development of a new interdisciplinary advanced science course: nature, life & technology / Berenice Michels, Jenneke Kruger, Harrie Eijkelhof
- A case study of an esd programme for college students in japan: pilot practice and evaluation / Shiho Miyake, Makiko Takenaka, Tomoyuki Nogami
- Curriculum standards for teaching physics in brazil / Fernanda Ostermann, Erika Regina Mozena, Cláudio J. De H. Cavalcanti
- Teachers’ view on a new science subject : science for the contemporary world / Carolina Pipitone, Digna Couso, Neus Sanmartí
- Marxism in sociocultural perspectives and implications for science education / Flavia Rezende, Paulo Lima Junior, Fernanda Ostermann
- A curriculum reflection : new science and technology curriculum in turkey / Meltem Savas, Ridvan Elmas, Nilay Ozturk
- Becoming a scientist means becoming a citizen / Dorothy V. Smith
- Transfer of a teaching-learning sequence from greek to italian school : do similarities in educational systems really help? / I. Testa, A. Molohidis, S. Lombardi, D. Psillos, G. Monroy, E. Hatzikraniotis
Strand 10 Evaluation and assessment of student
Co-editors : Robin Millar
Development, validation and use of standardized tests, achievement tests, high stakes tests, and instruments for measuring attitudes, interests, beliefs, self-efficacy, science process skills, conceptual understandings, etc; authentic assessment, formative assessment, summative assessment; approaches to assessment.
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- Towards the development of a multimodal, task-based approach for investigating children’s ideas / Carol Callinan, John Sharp
- An investigation of the relationship between pre-service teachers’ reflectivity and academic performance / Canan Cengiz, Alipasa Ayas, Sabiha Odabası Cimer
- Using large scale test results for pedagogical purposes / Jens Dolin
- Assessing experimental procedures through different formats – a comparative study / Markus Emden, Elke Sumfleth
- Students’ science competences at the school of biochemistry and biological sciences – unl- argentina / Claudia Beatriz Falicoff, José Manuel Domínguez Castiñeiras, Héctor Santiago Odetti, René Osvaldo Güemes
- Probing students’ understanding of the concept of electromotive force in introductory physics courses at university / Jenaro Guisasola, Isabel Garzon, Mieke De Cock
- Standardization in physics – first steps in the austrian educational system / C. Haagen, Martin Hopf
- Measuring effects of non conventional labwork / Martin Hopf
- Development of scale for attitude towards physics course / Gokhan Ilgaz, O. Tolga Aricak
- Second level irish pupils’ and teachers’ view of difficulties in organic chemistry / Anne O’ Dwyer, Peter Childs
- Experimental competencies in science : a comparison of assessment tools / Nico Schreiber, Heike Theyßen, Horst Schecker
- A longitudinal study on interests in science / Sabine Streller, Claus Bolte
- Chemistry-specific language and how it influences understanding of chemistry content / Nermin Tunali, Elke Sumfleth
Strand 11 Cultural, Social and Gender Issues
Co-editors : Helene Sorensen
Equity and diversity issues: Sociocultural, multicultural, bilingual, racial/ethnic, gender equity studies and science education for the special needs.
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- Play with science in inquiry based science education / Maria Andrèe, Lotta Lager-nyqvist, Per-olof Wickman
- The influence of religion on portuguese and brazilian teachers’ conceptions about the origin of life / Graça S. Carvalho, Rosa Branca Tracana, Paloma R. Silva, Elaine Araújo, Ana Maria Caldeira
- Difficulties chemistry students experience during their first semester – predicting success / Katja Freyer, Matthias Epple, Elke Sumfleth
- Professors’ perspectives on dropout rates in undergraduate physics courses / Paulo Lima Junior, Fernanda Ostermann, Flavia Rezende
- Determinants and finalities in the choice of reviewing procedures: the case of rdst, a french science education research journal / Ludovic Morge
- Gender differences in 15 year-olds’ perceptions of physics, physics lessons and physics teachers / Tamjid Mujtaba, Michael J. Reiss
- Self-determination as key for a cross-cultural computer-based learning environment / Antonio E. Rueda Muñoz, Manuela Welzel-breuer
- Analysıs of scıence textbooks for a-levels ın the uk : issues of gender representatıon / Sabiha Sunar
Strand 12 Pre-service science teacher education
Co-editors : Dimitris Psillos and Rosa Maria Sperandeo
Pre-service professional development of teachers, instructional methods in preservice teacher education, programs and policy, field experience, relation of theory with practice, and issues related to pre-service teacher education reform.
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- Assessing pre-service science teachers’ topic specific pedagogical content knowledge (pck): pre-service science teachers’ pck of electrochemistry / Mehmet Aydeniz, Zubeyde Demet Kirbulut
- Mapping beliefs of preservice physics teachers in the context of a curriculum innovation / Marcelo Alves Barros, Edson Cesar Marques Filho, Larissa Da Cunha Badan
- Analysis of a teaching experience in the context of a curriculum innovation / Marcelo Alves Barros, Edson Cesar Marques Filho, Carlos Eduardo Laburú
- Self-efficacy and emotions in prospective primary education science teachers / María Brígido, M. Luisa Bermejo, Vicente Mellado
- Pre-service science and primary school teachers’ perceptions of science laboratory environment / Gamze Çetinkaya, Jale Çakıroğlu
- Conceptions of prospective teachers on nature field trips in relation to own experiences as pupils / Emilio Costillo, Florentina Cañada, Carmen Conde, Javier Cubero
- Development of case method program for teacher education supporting the creation of lesson plans / Takafumi Daikoku, Makiko Takenaka, Hisayoshi Nakamura, Shigenori Inagaki
- Jordanian chemistry student teachers’ and experienced teachers’ beliefs about teaching and learning / Ingo Eilks, Siham A. Al-amoush, Silvija Markic
- Pre-service chemistry teachers’ understanding of electrolytic cells / Betul Ekiz, E. Selcan Kutucu, Huseyin Akkus, Yezdan Boz
- The usage of visualization in chemistry teaching and pre-service education: some findings / Celeste Ferreira, Agnaldo Arroio
- The principles of a short time seminar for developing prospective greek physics teachers’ pck / Vassilis Grigoriou, George Kalkanis
- Identifying elements of pck in chemistry teacher education / Nicola Großebrahm, Stefan Rumann
- Pre-service science teachers perceptions related to epistemological world view and science teaching efficacy belief / Esme Hacieminoglu, Ozgul Yilmaz-tuzun, Hamide Ertepinar
- Curriculum guidelines and institutional assessment in physics teacher education: underlying concepts / Ivanilda Higa, Neiva Samara Mendes Cavalcante, Nilson Marcos Dias Garcia
- Working with the microscope as a problem solving process / Lissy Jäkel
- A “class diary” forum to identify pedagogical thinking changes in preservice science teacher training / M.r. JimÉnez-liso , R. LÓpez-gay
- Subject knowledge and pedagogy in pre-service science teacher training courses in england and wales / Roger Lock, Allan Soares
- Using slowmation to make science pre-service teachers` beliefs explicit / Silvija Markic, Stephen Keast, Rebecca Cooper
- Comparison of german and malaysian pre-service science teachers beliefs` about teaching and learning / Silvija Markic, Maryam Sulaiman, Zurida Haji Ismail
- The cognitive and linguistic skills associated to human nutrition in teacher training / Cristina Martínez-losada, Susana García-barros, Rut Jiménez-liso
- Assessing prospective teachers’ diagnostic competence / Claudia V. Aufschnaiter, Janine Cappell, Gabi Dübbelde, Jürgen Mayer, Andrea Möller, Joachim Stiensmeier-pelster, Anett Wolgast
- Training elementary school teachers for the use of science museum field trips in early education / Maite Morentin, Jenaro Guisasola
- Future teachers’ views on community projects as learning environments for science education / Lidia Ochoa Cañigueral, Anna M. Geli De Ciurana
- A survey of preservice science teachers’ conceptions of research methods course / İsmail Önder, Şenol BeŞoluk
- Potentials of lernwerkstatt (open inquiry) for pre-service teachers’ professional development / Sandra Puddu, Erika Keller, Anja Lembens
- Learning to implement school experiments in a blended learning approach: an evaluation study / Thorid Rabe, Olaf Krey, Franco Rau
- Pre-service science teachers’ metacognitive awareness about lab instruction and their competency in inquiry lab design: the case of a lab applications course / Deniz Sarıbaş, Ebru Z. Mugaloglu
- Supporting pre-service teachers in designing authentic learning environments in chemistry lessons / Andrea Schumacher, Christiane S. Reiners
- Pre-service irish science teachers’ misconceptions of chemistry / Muireann Sheehan, Peter E. Childs, Sarah Hayes
- Student-teachers’ participation in the development of digital stories for the moon and the telescope / Vasiliki Spiliotopoulou
- Pre-service teachers’ conceptual profile change when discussing an environmental phenomenon / Artemisia Stoumpa, Anthimos Chalkidis, Constantine Skordoulis
- Views on teaching of particulate nature of matter at macroscopic, symbolic and microscopic levels / Aysegul Tarkin, E. Selcan Kutucu, Betul Ekiz, Mustafa Tuysuz, Oktay Bektas, Esen Uzuntiryaki
- Chemistry teachers’ content knowledge and its correlation to pedagogical content knowledge / Oliver Tepner, Sabrina Dollny
- Pre-service teacher training: bridging the gap between science and technology / Maike Tesch
- How science works: a longitudinal study of pre-service teachers’ field experiences of science curriculum change in england / Rob Toplis, Charles Golabek
- Practical study on argument skill improvement in pre-service teachers / Tomokazu Yamamoto, Etsuji Yamaguchi, Shigenori Inagaki, Hayashi Nakayama, Tomoyuki Nogami
Strand 13 In-service science teacher education
Co-editors : Jouni Viiri and Digna Couso
In-service science teacher education, teachers as lifelong learners; methods, innovation and reform in professional development; evaluation of professional development practices, reflective practice, teachers as researchers, and action research.
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- Nanoscience and nanotechnologies education : teachers’ knowledge / Virginie Albe
- Science teachers, policies and education research. analysis of surveys conducted in six countries / Emilio Balzano, Francesco Cuomo, Ciro Minichini, Marco Serpico
- Practising science teachers’ views on cores and its impact on their professional knowledge of practice / Adam Bertram
- Diagnostic competencies of pre-service teachers analysed by means of the simulated science classroom / Claus Bolte, Georg Koeppen, Jens Moeller, Anna Suedkamp
- Different models and methods to measure teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge / Andreas Borowski, Janet Carlson , Hans E. Fischer, Ineke Henze, Julie Gess-newsome, Sophie Kirschner, Jan Van Driel
- The pedagogical content knowledge of secondary school physics teachers on electric fields / Florentina Cañada, Lina Viviana Melo, Emilio Costillo, Vicente Mellado
- Preliminary study of teachers´ views on science education in primary school of salta (argentina) / Marta Ofelia Chaile, María Cecilia Gramajo
- Integrated teaching of science and technology in france : an example of a cooperative teaching / Maryline Coquide, Corinne Fortin, Christophe Lasson
- Semiotic mediation and didactical cycle as methodological reference for primary schol teachers / Federico Corni, Enrico Giliberti, Cristina Mariani
- Science teachers’ narratives on motivation and commitment – a story about recruitment and retention / Peer S. Daugbjerg
- Reform in biology education: teachers and researchers in a process of negotiation / Doris Elster
- Active strategies during inquiry-based science teacher education to improve long-term teacher self-efficacy / Robert H. Evans
- So what is it? making sense of the components that contribute to effective primary science teaching / Angela Fitzgerald
- Innovative science teachers: what they have in common / Paulo Sérgio Garcia
- How do in-service teachers evaluate the cognitive/linguistic skills in the study of astronomy ? / Susana García-barros, Cristina Matínez-losada
- Science teachers’ attitudes and percepctions related to practical work: a self report questionnaire / M. Teresa Guerra-ramos, José B. García-horta, Dulce López-valentín, Adrianna Gómez-galindo, Rocío Balderas-robledo
- What strands of research in secondary “nano-education” ? / Bénédicte Hingant, Virginie Albe
- Sources of science teaching self efficacy beliefs of experienced high school science teachers / Zeynep Tugba Kahyaoglu
- The complex road to mathematization in physics instruction / Ricardo Karam, Maurício Pietrocola, Gesche Pospiech
- Elementary teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge and student achievement in science education / Kim Lange, Thilo Kleickmann, Kornelia Möller
- School change, teacher education and the role of mentoring – a german approach in the european project gimms / Lang Manfred
- Perceived professional development needs for saudi arabian science teachers / Nasser Mansour
- Science teachers’ perceptions about the relationship between research and practice / Ana Maria Marques Da Silva, Gabriela Carolina Cattani Delord, João Batista Da Siqueira Harres, Marcos Gervânio De Azevedo Melo, Marlise Heeman Grassi, Maurivan Güntzel Ramos, Sandra Garcia Polino, Valderez Marina Do Rosário Lima
- Patterns in the meaning-making of science teachers involved in a team-based pd-project / Birgitte Lund Nielsen
- Teachers as learners and designers of ict- driven science curriculum materials : findings from the “ict for innovative science teachers” project / Marios Papaevripidou , Michalis Lividjis, Costas P. Constantinou
- Pre-service physics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in different teacher education programs / Josef Riese, Christoph Vogelsang, Peter Reinhold
- Description of practice teaching from the systematic observation of the working class in high school / Diana Rodríguez, Ángel López-mota
- Teachers’ views about practical work in upper primary and lower secondary school : analysis from a model based inquiry perspective / Cristina Rodríguez-simarro, Digna Couso
- In-service biology teachers´ pck development: antithetic roles of self efficacy / Martin Scheuch, Erika Keller, Franz Radits
- Developing networks to support science teachers work / Martin Krabbe Sillasen, Paola Valero
- In-service science teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge confidence levels and views about technology-rich environments / Mehmet Fatih TaŞar, Betül Tİmur
- Integrating technology into pre-service physics teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge / Hildegard Urban-woldron
Strand 14 Early years science education
Co-editors : Costas Constantinou and Jane Johnston
Emergent science, science pedagogy and learning in the early years, cognitive resources for science learning, early years science and technology curriculum, innovative teaching practices in the early years, children’s learning, preschool science, early years teacher education in science.
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- Introduction / Jane Johnston
- Characterization of the beliefs of preschool teachers about sciences / Cristian Merino, Karina Avalos, Marta Quiroga, Carla Olivares, Angélica Navarro
- Inquiry-based analysis of early years children books : developing skills for later science education / Estelle Blanquet, Éric Picholle
- Fictional storybook as a scientific and epistemological question-building tool for primary school / Catherine Bruguière, Eric Triquet, Mohamed Soudani, Jean-loup Héraud
- Teaching animal categorization in preschool-ers using typical – non typical educational enviroments / Eirini Gkouskou, Dimitris Koliopoulos
- Learning science in small groups: the role of age and interactions / Maria Kallery
- A didactic path for age 5-8 on the concept of extensive quantity using a story as cognitive tool / Cristina Mariani, Federico Corni, Enrico Giliberti
- Identifying and elaborating emergent science within a holistic approach to the foundation phase curriculum / Linda Mcguigan, Terry Russell
- From fiction storybook to scientific modeling: an example in physics teaching at primary school / Mohamed Soudan, Jean-loup Hérau, Catherine Bruguière, Eric Triquet
- The relation between cultural background and understanding of precipitation among 5-8 year old children / José Domingo Villarroel