Doctoral Studies

Guidelines for writing a dissertation abstract

Dear Reader! You are hereby invited to help us build up a bank of European science education abstracts of doctoral theses. You may submit an abstract of your own dissertation, or encourage your colleagues or students to do so. Our editorial policy on this web site is to publish science education dissertation abstracts from European universities. We also publish abstracts from non-European countries if a thesis has been supervised or written by an ESERA member.

Ugo Besson

A mesoscopic approach to teaching fluid statics. Study of students' conceptions, design and experimentation of a teaching sequence.  University of Paris, France Supervisor: professor Laurence Viennot E-mail:

Cécile de Hosson

A contribution to the analysis of the interactions between the history of science and science education. An elaboration of an educational tool of the optical mechanism of vision for primary and secondary school. Université Paris, France Supervisors : Wanda Kaminski, Jean Gayon E-mail:

Intissar Romdhane

Coherence of light and interference : students’ reasoning and historical difficulties Université Paris, France Supervisor: Laurence Maurines E-mail: 

Filiz Mirzalar-Kabapinar

Teaching for conceptual understanding: Developing and evaluating a Turkish students' understanding of solubility concept through a specific teaching intervention The University of Leeds,United Kingdom E-mail:

A. H. Mashhadi

What is the nature of the understanding of the concept of 'wave-particle duality' among Advanced Level Physics students? University of Oxford, United Kingdom E-mail: , 

Susan Dale Tunnicliffe

Talking about animals: Studies of young children visiting zoos, a museum and a farm.

John. T. Leach

Progression in understanding of some ecological concepts in children aged 5 to 16 The University of Leeds, United Kingdom E-mail:

Isabelle Kermen

Predicting and explaining the evolution of chemical systemsObservation of the implementation of a new chemistry curriculum in the final year of higher secondary education, reactions of the teachers and students confronted with the introduction of the evolution of chemical systems. Supervisor: Martine Méheut Université Paris, France E-mail:

Ivan Feller

SCHOOL USE OF DOCUMENTS Of NONSCHOOL ORIGIN IN PHYSICAL SCIENCES: Elements for an inventory of fixtures and impact study of a targeted accompaniment in French class of second (grade 10) Université Paris, France Supervisors: Laurence Viennot & Philippe Colin E-mail:

Jérôme Santini

Characterization Of The Joint Elaboration Of Conceptual Understanding And Of Students’ Performances. Volcanoes And Earthquakes At Grade 5. Université Rennes 2, France Supervisor : Gérard Sensevy E-mail :

Zeynab Badreddine

Study of teachers’ chronogenetic decisions in physics teaching at lower secondary school; a case study in Lebanon E-mail:

Aytekin Cokelez

The register of models - atom; molecule; ion; chemical bond - in the teaching of the matter and its transformations at Upper Secondary School level (grades 10-12): from reference knowledge to acquired knowledge Ondokuz Mayis University, France E-mail:


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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