Summer School

ESERA Summer School 2008

York, United Kingdom, 24-29 August

The ninth ESERA Summer School for PhD students in science education took place at the UK National Science Learning Centre at the University of York. The Summer School organising committee was Robin Millar (York), Jim Ryder (Leeds) and Per Morten Kind (Durham).

During the Summer School, 48 students and 14 coaches were divided into 7 working groups (You can download the list of students and working groups here). Each had no more than two students from any single country, and so allowed for a great deal of international exchange of views and ideas. Four other members of staff, plus several of the group coaches, gave a lecture or led a workshop. The programme included four plenary lectures reviewing major research areas or issues in science education, and six workshops on aspects of research methods.

We all enjoyed the environment of the new National Science Learning Centre. Although the programme was a full one, there was time to enjoy a walking tour of the historic centre of York and to see a little of the countryside near the university.

The organising committee thanks everyone – staff and students – who took part in the Summer School and maintained the tradition of ESERA Summer Schools as intense, demanding, stimulating and memorable weeks.


esera summer school 2008  national science learning centre



Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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