Braga, Portugal, 15-22 July
We survived the heat and had a very successful summer school in Braga, Portugal. Our host, Graça S. Carvalho from Universidade do Minho and her organizing committee are to be commended for the excellent way they organized the summer school. Together we were 59 PhD students and 23 coaches divided into 8 working groups. In addition were workshops, lectures and excursions taking place throughout the week in the beautiful city of Braga.
On behalf of the ESERA organization, thank you to Graça S. Carvalho, the organizing committee, the coaches and students who dedicated a week of their summer to make this important event the success it was!
You can dowload the ESERA Summer School 2006 Programme and Synopses here!
- Robert H. Evans: Proper and Inappropriate Uses of Statistical Analysis in Science Education Research
- Hans Niedderer: Learning process studies – aims, theoretical approaches, methods and selected results
- Helge Strömdahl: On interpreting scientific terms
- Hans Fischer: Hans Fischer:Video based analysis of surface- and deepstructure of science lessons – power and limits
- Krystallia Halkia: The multimodality of informal sources of science learning and their interaction with formal education
- Reinders Duit: Science Education Research – An Indispensable Prerequisite for Improving Instructional Practice