Summer School

ESERA Summer School 1993

The first Ph. D. Summerschool for Research in Science Education

Dates: from Saturday July 3rd, till Friday July 9th, 1993

Place: Conference Centre ‘Kerk en Wereld’, Driebergen, The Netherlands

Participants: 30  Ph. D. students and 18 senior staff

Scope: the summerschool was devoted to ‘Research in Science Education’.

This included research on:

  • learning and teaching of science
  • history and philosophy of science in relation to science education
  • history and philosophy of science education;computers in science education
  • developments in scientific literacy, e.g. in fields centres or museums
  • science aspects of health and environmental education

Aims: The summerschool was for and by the Ph. D. ‘s. The aim was to provide an opportunity to learn from colleagues who are facing similar problems. This means that most of the time was spent on letting the students report about and discuss their own research. Another aim was to set up a network of working contacts between students and between research groups. Therefore overviews of research that is done by the participating groups were reported and discussed.

Proceedings: The main reasons to publish proceedings are: for the students to learn and write a condensed paper about their research; for the research community: to get an overview of the research that is done in Europe.

View Proceedings of the first Ph. D. Summerschool

Certificate: students who attended the summerschool have got a certificate that idicated that they have followed an advanced level course.

esera summer school 1993

Addresses of participating research groups


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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