Summer School

ESERA Summer School 2017

esera 2017new

This Summer School was the first annual one, held only one year after the previous one at the same place, University of South Bohemia in Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic. The Summer School was organized at different time of the year, June, 29 to July, 5, 2017 as the end of summer was this year reserved for main conference in Dublin.

The same organizing team (Iva Stuchlikova, Lukas Rokos and Jan Petr) received this year 62 applications from PhD. students from 22 countries. There was also great interest in staff positions, 37 academics from 18 countries submitted their applications.

Finally, ESERA Summer School 2017 hosted 47 students and 17 staff from 12 countries; and, again, as in the last year, the participants came not only from Europe, but also from Asia, South Africa and USA.


According to ESERA tradition, students were divided into 7 internationally composed sub-groups, each coached by two experienced coaches. Within 7 group sessions each of the students presented his or her research and the groups thoroughly discuss it. The feedback from peers and coaches was highly valued. Besides lectures, workshops and coaching groups, the scientific program comprised also poster session. The students prepared for Summer Schools also the posters which were placed in the coffee area and yet another group of staff provided written and oral feedback on these posters.


The staff colleagues were highly engaged and thus most of them served not only as a coaches of students’ groups, but offered also lectures, workshops or served as poster session leaders or provide poster feedback.


Erin Marie Furtak, University of Colorado Boulder, USA:

Supporting Changes in Teacher Practice with A Learning Progression: Results of the Elevate Study

Ralph Levinson, University College London, Institute of Education, United Kingdom:

Researching socio-scientific issues – an ontological problem

Renée Schwartz, Georgia State University Atlanta, USA:

Nature of Science and Scientific Inquiry for Scientific Literacy

Jelle Boeve-de Pauw, University of Antwerp Belgium:

Eco-schools evaluation and innovation projects – interactions between research, recommendations and practices

Justin Dillon, University of Bristol, United Kingdom:

Learning science outside the classroom


Sonya N. Martin, Seoul National University, South Korea

Using Video in Science Education Research: Methods for data collection and analysis

Justin Dillon, University of Bristol, United Kingdom

Publishing and reviewing in science education

Lars Björklund, Linköping University, Sweden

Making Tacit Knowledge Explicit: Three Methods to Assess Attitudes and Believes

Erin Marie Furtak, University of Colorado Boulder, USA

Studying Formative Assessment Tasks and Classroom Practices with Mixed Methods

Sari Harmoinen, University of Oulu, Finland

Ethical questions based on PhD research

Robert Evans, University of Copenhagen, Department of Science Education

Strategies for making sense of data: Conventions and ways to a valid interpretation of data

Though the scientific program was quite intense, there was some time left for social activities. We hope that the welcome party, trip to UNESCO World Heritage town of Cesky Krumlow followed by garden barbeque or farewell party with live music offered highly …. relaxation for all.


More information and pictures can be found in the brochure (LINK).


Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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