Summer School

Esera Summer School 2023

The ESERA Summer School 2023 took place in Neustadt an der Weinstraße from July 3rd to July 8th 2023. It was hosted by the Institute for Science Education of the RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau. This has been an in-person event in which about forty-nine PhD students and sixteen staff members joined for an intensive program of four full days of Mentor Group Meetings, Poster Sessions, Plenary Lectures and Workshops.

ss23 grouppicture

Students and staff members participating in the ESERA Summer School 2023.

Information about the venue, the program (including the topics of the Plenary Lectures and Workshops), the participants and the Local Organising Committee can be found in the eBook of Synopses:


This eBook of Synopses also includes, of course, the students’ synopses of their PhD studies to be presented and discussed during the Summer School.

The Summer School program was intensive with four hard, long and productive working days. Students worked daily in seven small Mentor Groups giving and getting feedback on their PhD studies. In addition to these small group presentations and discussions, students presented their work in a Poster Session. And in between: a daily Plenary Lecture and three rounds of Workshops to choose from.



Established in 1995, ESERA aims to enhance scientific
literacy for all through research in science education.

Various professional activities support community building in science education, dissemination of
research findings and professional development of researchers from different career stages.
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